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I got 180 days to live. Approximately, 3 months. What should I do? I can't even go out of this shitty house because they won't let me.

"It's not safe there. It's not worth it to risk. It's much better here." They said.

Bullshit! I bet you're curious to know the routine I'm doing everyday. It's not that interesting tho. But still if you insist, then I'll tell you.

In morning, I ofcourse wake up and wash my face, brush my teeth and go back to bed again and turn on the television. Grab my phone and scroll up and down on various SNS I have.

Sometimes I play online games too but playing games in the morning is not my style. It's much better for me to lie down the bed, watch the current happenings on the outside world which I can't explore.

Then in the noon, I ofcourse eat lunch which is cooked by the maids here. My relatives or my parents don't live with me. They just visit like once a week for my medication and maintainance. So yeah, I live with three maids which are lucky to live in such a big house.

After eating lunch, I go back to my room and lie down the bed or play some xbox games. I have a mini fridge in my room so I won't be bothered to go downstairs for foor when I'm hungry.

Yep, I can read your mind. It's such a beautiful life right? Bed and me. Food and me. Yes it is beautiful. But for me it's not. Lots of teens envy my life but me? I envy there lives too. They can spend their life outside.

They can hangout day and night. Go to different places they enjoy a lot. That's lit. I like that. But I can't.

So shall we continue? There not much to do at night. Just bed and me and movies. And some cheese flavored popcorn.

I'm also prohibited to some junk foods but what's the point of following them all if soon I will die? That sucks.

So that's my routine in everyday life. Boring right? Ikr. Oh, I haven't told you my name right?

It's Luhan.

And welcome to my life which is coming to an end soon.

You'll be with me until the epilogue of the story. I don't know how it will end but let's just wait for it.

"Luhan, are you up?" heard my mom downstairs.

"Yeah. I'm up. Why are you here by the way? Not yet Saturday." I shouted while finding for my slippers which is under my bed.

"I have someone with me!" She shouted back.

As I head downstairs, I saw a guy in white.

"Mom, I told you, I don't need a nurse. I'm fi--"

"You'll need him soon. Or maybe tomorrow or whatever. He will be my substitute for the meantime since your Dad and I will be going somewhere." Mom said. I will correct that, it's stepdad. My original father died when I was 12. We will have a same cause of death soon. Yeah, you're right. I inherited it.

"I'm Xiu--"

"Yeah yeah, I don't need to know your name tho. You'll also leave soon. You're the 10th nurse who attempted to take care of me. But guess what, they give up. And you'll do that soon. Goodbye for advance." I said and headed upstairs.

"He's rude but there is a reallt soft spot in his heart. You can do this right? I rely on you." I heard mom said.

Nah. Why would she even bother to get me a nurse when I already have three maids here. They can just call 911 when I'm in somewhat pain. Easy. Don't need a nurse.

Not a kid anymore. This is stressing me out.

I lie down the bed and decided to sleep to somehow escape the stress I'm having.

I don't need him.

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