Moving In

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(Maya is 15 in this and Jake is 20)
Its meant to be this age difference.

Maya's POV

So, im home alone because my mom is out of town and she wants me to go and live with her cousin, Alissa. So, she was on her way to my house to come and get me, because im going to be living with her and Team 10.
I watched Jake's vlog before but I don't watch it all the time. I just watch it if I see it just randomly around on YouTube.
I'm not a big fan.
So, currently I was just sitting there, on my bed scrolling threw my Instagram feed.
I was exited to move in for awhile. But also kinda scared because they always prank people and I don't wanna be apart of that.
I heard a knock on the door, yay Alissa is here! I thought.
I went to open it and it was Jake.
What? Why is Jake here? And where is Alissa??
"hey! Are you packed?" Jake said.
I didn't realize that i didn't say anything to him.
"Um..hi! Jake? I thought Alissa was picking me up??" I said confused.
"Ya, but she sent me to come and get you because she has a shoot right now" Jake said.
"Oh, um, okay" I said back to him still a bit confused.
I was shy because I didn't know him and I just met him and I get shy around people who I don't know.
"So are you ready to go?" Jake asked sticking his head in a little and looking around.
"Oh, um..ya!" I replied.
I stepped out of the house, while pulling the suitcase behind me while my phone in my pocket. I locked the door with the keys, and went to go to Jake's truck.
Jake asked if I needed help with the suitcase, and I said yes, so he grabbed it and put it in the back of the truck.
Then we got into the truck. Jake turned on the engine and we were on our way to the team 10 house.
The car ride was quiet and I was really shy and didn't look at Jake or anything else but my phone during the whole ride. I had a pit in my stomach because I was nervous.

Everything Changed (Jake Paul Fanfic) **SMUT** COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora