Chapter 17 - ❤

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(Lucy's POV)

As soon as I walked into the school I was immediately swormed by questions from my friends.

Mira was the first to pester with questions. "How did the battle of the bands go?!"

Levy soon followed. "Did you win?!"

Erza was next. "Who did you compete against?!"

"Eh?" Was my only response.

"Well?!" They all said in Perfect unison.

I smiled at their childish behavior, but before I could say anything Natsu answered for me. "We won of course!"

The girls threw up their hands as they cheered. It only lasted for a few moments before the bell rang.

Levy and I headed to our class and sat down on our seats. The teacher wasn't here yet so Levy and I chatted to past the time. "So Levy-chan, how are you and Gajeel?"

She blushed, turning her face to a shade of pink. "I-It's okay"

I shook my head and sighed. "You and I both know that's not what I meant" her blushed deepen while she stayed sighlent. "Come on Levy-chan, are you getting close to him?"

She smiled and nodded her head. "I'm really getting to know him" she mumbled.

I smirked. "Really?"

I can't wait to tell Mira about this. She's going to flip!

She nodded her head and blushed. "Y-Yeah. It was really nice. I felt like I've known him forever"

I was stunned. Sure I was teasing her but never in my wildest dreams did I think she'll say something like this.

She turned to face me and smirked. "What about you, Lu-chan?"

I felt my face heating up a bit. "W-what are you talking about?"

She chuckled a bit. "Don't act stupid Lu-chan. You know what I'm hinting at"

My face heated up more once I clued in.

She's talking about Natsu.

I looked to the floor and stuttered. "I-It's not like that"

She smiled and sighed. "Sure it's not, Lu-chan"

The teacher barged through the door after 7 minutes covered in sweat and dirt. "Sorry everyone" he panted and past out on the floor.

We all sighed and sweat-dropped. "There he goes again" we all said in unison.

(Mira's POV)

The bell rang for lunch.

Perfect. Now I have a full hour trying to get my ships together. First let's try Levy and Gajeel.

"Mira?" Erza asked.

I looked up and smiled. "Ops. Let's get going!"

Erza just shook her head. "Well someone's excited"

I just giggled as we walked to our table. Watch out Erza, after I'm done with Levy and Gajeel I'm coming after you and Jallel next.

"Hey guys!" I waved to the girls and they all waved back.

Perfect they're all here. It's a good thing I invited the guys here.

"Hey shrimp" Gajeel said.

Shrimp? That's Levy's nickname? It kinda suits her.

Levy blushed and looked at her lap. "M-my name isn't shrimp, it's Levy"

Hehehe. Mission Levy X Gajeel is a go.

"Hey Levy didn't you have to work at the library today?"

She nodded and ran off. "See you guys at class!"

I sat down on the table. "Say Gajeel, do you like someone?"

His cheeks were tainted pink. "No"

I smirked. "Really?"

He shook his head. "Nope"

Gray said. "If Gajeel had a crush it'll probably be Levy"

Gajeel's​ blush got worse. "No I don't!"

We all bursted out laughing. "If that's so than why are you blushing?"

He shook his head. "I don't have a crush on Shrimp!"

I giggled. "You call her Shrimp?"

Gray nodded his head. "He always calls her Shrimp!"

Lucy interrupted. "She knows his number and address!"

Natsu jumped in. "She comes over to his house a lot too!"

I giggled. "You two would make such a cute couple!"

His blush got worse as he walked off. "I'm going to class"

I waved. "Remember Levy is in the library!"

He yelled. "I don't like Shrimp!"

Everyone bursted out laughing as he ran to the book store.

I turned to Erza and Jallel and smirked. Lucy saw this and started smirking too.

I cleared my throat. "Hey Erza, don't you think Gray and Juvia make a cute couple?"

Gray blushed a bit while Juvia clung to his arm and yelled. "Juvia thinks Gray and Juvia make a great couple!"

I giggled. Gruvia is go!

Erza nodded in agreement. "They would make a cute couple" Jallel nodded his head and kept staring at Erza from time to time.

"Do you know who else would make a cute couple?" I asked.

Erza and Jallel shook their heads. "No. Who?" Erza asked.

I smiled. "You and Jallel of course!"

They both immediately blushed and looked away. Aren't they adorable?

I leaned forward. "Didn't you say that you and Jallel have known each other since you were kids?".

They both nodded their heads.

Childhood love, how Perfect.

"So Jallel, when are you going to confess to Erza?" I asked. Both of their faces turned red as they looked away.


I sighed. "Oh darn, lunch is over. Guess we have to pick this up next time then"

Don't think I haven't forgotten about you and Natsu, Lucy.

I need to start planning for Nalu.

(Levy's POV)

I opened a book,

Our story begins with deadly beast the size of a bear and a young adventures wandering around the woods at night.

"*Cough*" I looked up to see Gajeel?!

I handed me a bag filled with books?!

"Uh?" Was my only response.

He scratched the back of his neck. "Just open to the first page of the book with the pink cover"

I nodded and did what he said.

It said.

'Will you go out with me, Levy?"

I blushed. "Of course!"

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