Just A Daydream Away

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Jack watched Alex dance with Lisa, wishing to be the one Alex was holding in his warm arms.

     Why the fuck am in love with my best friend? Jack thought to himself, sighing into his cup of beer and watching the happy couple from the bar.

     Jack wanted nothing more than to be Alex's puzzle piece, but he knew that would never happen. Alex wasn't gay, and he had Lisa, someone so much better for the singer than Jack.

     "Jackyou said you wanted to talk to me about something?" Alex said curiously, sitting in the empty space next to Jack on the younger's bunk.

    "Look, Alex, know you're with Lisa and everything, but loveyou. So fucking much." Jack admitted, lookingat the elder sadly. "can't even explain how feel about you, don't know enough words in the English language."

     "What do you mean?" Alex inquired, raising an eyebrow.

     "Goddamnit Alex, love you." Jack said, his soft brown eyes watering.

     "Jack-- I-love you too." Alex stuttered.

     "You don't have to make me feel better, jus--"

      Alex cut the younger man off by kissing his lips softly.

      When Alex pulled away, he was met with shocked Jack Barakat.

     "Did you seriously just do that?! What about Lisa?!" Jack said, staring at the elder with his jaw slack.

     "To be honest, broke up with Lisa three days ago, for you." Alex replied sheepishly. "I've loved you for so long, dammit."

     "You're not just saying that?"

     "Of course not, I wouldn't do that to you!"

     "Then kiss me again."

     And Alex did just that.

     Alex looked at Jack for long time. "Jack Bassam Barakat, will you be my boyfriend?"

     Jack was pulled out of his daydream when someone placed their hand on his shoulder. Jack twisted around to see the one and only Alex Gaskarth.

      "Hey Jack, I was gonna take Lisa home, do you wanna come to mine and play some FIFA?" The elder asked.

     "Sure, sounds like fun, considering I beat you every single time."

     "Shut the fuck up, Barakat, I'm gonna whoop your ass." Alex laughed.

      When they finally arrived at Alex's house after dropping Lisa off, Alex ran for the Xbox.

     After several rounds of Jack beating Alex at FIFA, Alex asked the younger man if he wanted to stay the night.

      Jack accepted of course, but whenever he stayed overnight at Alex's house, he'd end up wishing and hoping the elder would ask him to sleep in the same bed. Sadly, it never happened. 

      That night however, was different. 

      Alex sat bolt upright in his bed, sweat dripping down his face. Another god damned nightmare. Alex was breathing heavily, and was horrified he just launched into a full-blown panic attack. Alex helplessly tried to calm himself down, but failed miserably. He suddenly remembered the presence of his best friend in the room accross from the hall. "Jack!"

      Jack was awoken by Alex calling his name. Alex sounded panicked, and Jack made his way to Alex's room, and was greeted by the older boy holding his knees to his chest. Jack immediately recognized he was having a panic attack. "Shh, Lex. It's okay, it's okay." Jack whispered softly. The younger boy sat next to Alex and rubbed circles into his back. "Breathe with me, in, and out."

     Alex focused on Jack's breathing, and copied it as well as he could. The elder boy basically shoved himself into Jack's arms. 

     Jack held Alex's shaking form for a while, and eventually, both boys fell asleep.

     When they woke up, both boys agreed they would never talk about it. 

     Now, two years later, Jack is standing next to Alex, wearing a tux. Except, Jack is watching Lisa walk down the aisle to Alex. Jack was the best man at his best friend's wedding. Jack half forced a smile, because he was truly happy for Alex, he just wished Lisa wasn't the person he was happy with. 

     At the reception, Jack was crying, because he never told Alex his feelings. 

     "Jack? Are you crying?" Alex inquired, with concern in his eyes.

     "I'm just really happy for you, have fun on your honeymoon." Jack lied, forcing a smile. 

     Alex smiled widely. "Thanks, Jack."

     Jack's heart shattered, because Alex would forever and always be a daydream away.

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