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Textbook definition of an Alder

An Alder is a superior of the human race. They are considered to be a inner species due to their advanced abilities. An Alder is usually blue eyed with remarkable, attractive features. Many of the woman have sharp, feminine curves, full breasts and small waists. The males can easily gain muscle and lack body hair. When it comes to skin color, they vary amongst all the possible tone.
An Alder is not usually praised for their appearance, but for their capacity. They have above genius IQs, understand emotions and situations above their years, can read between the lines as if the words are right in front of them and are often child prodigies of more than one skill. A common Alder prodigy has the ability to master an instrument or cultural activity and sport or lifestyle skill.
One of the reasons they are still regarded as humans is because they all have at least one flaw. One may struggle only a tiny bit with human interaction. This is the most common flaw and is the reason why Alders were mistaken to be autistic before the discovery.
Their abilities are countless. They don't have any fears of objects/animals/activity but rather things many people wouldn't fear. E.g. The lack of water in a river or the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere. Most Alders are doctors, neurologists, CEOs or other high paid job.
They also tend to have a longer life expectancy and have a o % chance of developing any health issues or developing psychological disorders.
There are approximately five thousand Alders living around the world. In our country, the United States- there are the most Alders in the world: 978. Other countries numbers include:
United Kingdom: 234
France: 180
Spain: 93
South Africa: 102
Australia: 176
Canada: 32
Brazil: 197

There has been no explanation found on how Alders have been born with their special abilities. Even when two Alders create a child, they may or may not come out like their parents.

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