Grace Elizabeth Morganne Dawson

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Name: Grace Elizabeth Morganne Dawson
Nickname(s): Gracie
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 18
Birthday: 12th October
Appearance: Light ginger curls, slim figure, freckles, startlingly blue eyes and pale skin
Likes: Reading, writing, music and star-gazing
Dislikes: Soppy love soaps on TV
Skills: Can play piano and violin. She also knows a lot of star constellations
Past: An intelligent girl raised in the suburbs of London, Grace has the brain of a scientist. Her parents died when she was 15, three years ago. Grace is now studying in her final year of St Aidan's High School.

Scenario 1: Grace was in the canteen being bullied by a group of girls whilst you are watching standby. Nobody wants to stand up to the girls, yet they are hurting Grace more than usual

Scenario 2: Make your own

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