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What would happen if two heroes you probably never heard of team up? Well that question will be revealed in this book. When a evil organization known as The Axis Of Felonies Fan club or T.A.O.F.F.C try to take over the world, Earth needs its heroes. But when they are all sadly out of town for a softball game, we get these guys. If you read Limbo And Johnny Vs. The Aliens From Uranus then you have already met Marcus. Not Marcus from T.A.O.F! Limbo's son Marcus. He would have been an ordinary boy if he wasn't a hybrid between a dummy and a fat pig. But he now uses his space powers to protect our galaxy from danger. And if you have read the newest part in Limbo And Johnny In..........The Zombie Dimension then you have heard of Robin Booze, a so called "hero" that drinks with the rich and yells at the poor simply because he is almost always drunk. But he was sadly killed by his people when they burned down his house while he was asleep. Or was he..............

Robin Booze And Mighty Marcus: Partners In Crime FightingWhere stories live. Discover now