The Akward Encounter

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Where we last left off, Robin Booze was being an ordinary person. Then all of a sudden, a grown man on fire wearing a green diaper came crashing through his wall! But before I continue from there, you need to understand what happened before that.......
Our story begins in space. The son of Limbo Doifinheiser, Marcus, just then left his father so he can become a superhero. But his trip did not go exactly as planned. You see, Marcus was still technically a baby. So that means he was just now discovering the things in the world. He was flying through space when all of a sudden, he discovered what 💩 was. He started freaking out! He had no clue what was in the back of his pants! So he went flying down as fast as he could! He ended up turning into a ball of fire! Nothing was going to stop him! Except for the wall of Robin Booze's mansion. He smacked right through it! It left Robin Booze in awe! What will happen next? Find out next week!

I'm sorry this part was short. I've just been having a really crazy day. The schedule book will be posted any minute now though so get ready to check that out.
Just saying I wanted to say that also so we can get past 220 words.

Robin Booze And Mighty Marcus: Partners In Crime FightingWhere stories live. Discover now