Lynx's Tragedy -A Short Story

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Lynx Baylor sat looking out her window like she did every day. She wondered what life would have been like had he not left her. If he'd stayed and kept her safe. She wondered if she'd still be emotionally okay. She looked out the window at the trees which branches were caught in the autumn breeze. She saw a bird fly across the sky and envied the bird's freedom. She wanted to be free from her pain and to escape her life. She had no one, all her friends deserted her long ago. Left her to fend for herself, which caused her spirit to grow weak. She no longer was able to trick those around her with her smile, her fake smile that everyone adored and knew so well. She hated them. All of them. She envied their happiness. They lied, telling her life would get better. They were wrong, in fact, it only grew worse with each passing day.
She stared out her window dreaming of her future that could have been with him. The life they could have had and the children too. A tear slowly streamed down her cheek and quickly wiped it away. She looked down at her phone and saw that her ex's mother was calling. She answered and at the news of her ex's mother's voice she swore her heart stopped for several seconds. She hung up and got up abruptly out of her seat. She pulled the curtains shut for the last time and ran downstairs to make sure the coast was clear. Lynx grabbed her pistol she'd hidden under her bed and eyed the silver bullet that lie in her hand. Her one lover was gone. The one she would have given her life for, was gone forevermore. He'd died in a car crash. Lynx was devastated by this tragedy. She loaded the pistol silently, no words were to be spoken in this solemn moment. She walked to her window and barely opened the curtain so she could look out the window one last time. She cocked the pistol and placed it against her temple. "If I cannot have him here, I will have him there. Mi amor, I am coming to join you," these were her final thoughts before she pulled the trigger and saw the world through her window one last time. She would never again be able to fly to freedom like the birds, as she had longed to. She pulled the trigger and was gone.

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