Chapter 2

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AHHHH I've been gone for forever im sorry lol


I wake up the next morning in Anna's room. Her pink Alarm blaring, "Anna time to get up for school" She wines and sits up rubbing her eyes. I run my hand through my hair and grab my bag standing up and walking into the bathroom. I get dressed in skeleton tights and a purple sweatshirt with a white teddy bear on it.

 I get dressed in skeleton tights and a purple sweatshirt with a white teddy bear on it

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I walk out of the bathroom to see Anna already dressed. I grab my backpack and we walk out of the house to school. On the way to school, we laugh and joke around. Once we get there she walks to her locker while I walk to mine. I put my backpack in my locker and shut it turning around. I squeal when I see Xavier there, And I put my hand on my heart taking deep breaths. "Don't scare me like that damn" He laughs a little. "Sorry, Danny didn't mean to" I laugh and shake my head "It's cool" I start walking to my first hour, Chem. Xavier follows behind me "What class are you going to" I ask. He smiles "Chem. How about you?" I smile getting butterflies slightly "Chem" Soon enough I'm sitting In class taking notes. "Today I will be putting you into partners for your project that will be due in two weeks" Mr. Kamm states. Everyone Groans and I roll my eyes. I hope I don't get some asshole who will make me do all the work like always. I zone out until someone walks over and taps my shoulder I turn around and see Xavier and I smile slightly "Hey. Sorry I wasn't listening at all are you my partner?" I ask and he nods "Okay" I smile as he sits down next to me. "So the project is about how different chemicals react to each other. Sounds boring" Xavier laughs softly and smiles. "Yeah a little bit." I smile back and start writing down notes for the project. "Wanna work on it at my house" Xavier questions raising an eyebrow. "Sure." Anything to stay away from my house I think too myself. "Okay I'll um see you after school I guess" Xavier says hearing the bell ring. I nod standing up and putting my note book in my bag slinging it over my shoulder. I quickly walk to my favorite class of the day and sit down in my normal seat. I hear people laughing so I turn around to find the queen of the bitches laugh and whispering my way. I feel my eyes start to water and I quickly pick up my things running out of the room and into the bathroom. I hurry into a stall and lock the door sitting on the floor and pulling my knees to my chest quietly sobbing. I pull the sleeve up on my sweatshirt too see all my past scars. I quickly dig in my bag and fling a blade. This blade hasn't touched my skin in 4 months. I examine it and soon enough it's being brought to my skin. Blood trickling down my arm. I sigh in relief and close my eyes. Soon enough I snap back to reality bandaging up my arm seeing the blood soak through the gauze. I go out of the stall quickly washing the blade and stuffing it back in my back pack. I wash my hands next making sure no blood is noticeable and I dry them quickly. I open the door to the bathroom while pulling down my sleeve when all the sudden I run into something and fall to the ground. "Danny?" The voice I've known all too well since last nice says and I quickly pull the sleeve down the rest of the way and look up my eyes meeting his. I whimper and his eyes seem too soften quickly pulling me up and into his arms hugging me. I try to hold back tears but fail miserably crying into his chest. "Come on, let's get you outta here" he grabs my hand and walks with me to the schools exit. He holds open and door and walks out after me grabbing my hand once more and leading me to his car. I open the door on my side and slide in pulling my knees to my chest. "Danny I need you too buckle up for me. Can you do that?" I don't answer and next thing I know the seat belt is being pulled across me and pushed into its slot. I whimper softly and lean my head against the window. Xavier pulls out of the parking lot and heads somewhere. Soon enough we arrive at what I'm guessing to be his house. I unbuckle and looks down opening the door too the car and getting out. Xavier grabs my hand as if he is scared I'll take off. And now the thought ponders. Why was he at that club last night. He opens the door too his house and let's me go in first. It's huge. His family definitely has money. I quickly look back at the ground and he puts his hand on my lower back softly leading me to the bathroom. He taps the counter in the bathroom. "Sit" he says and I listen sitting on top of the counter. He pulls up my sweater and I whimper. He sighs and undoes the bandage throwing it away and holding my arm over the sink poring peroxide over my cuts. I wince slightly and close my eyes. He blows softly and soon the stinging is gone. Xavier then takes out some gel and rubs it over my cuts softly. I keep my gaze focused down and let him do it. Soon my arm is bandaged up. "T-thank you" I practically whisper not trusting my voice. "You're welcome Danny" I wiggle off the counter and continue too look down. He grabs my hand and walks me out of the bathroom into the living room. "Sit" he says and I sit on a couch pulling my knees too my chest. He turns on Riverdale on Netflix and I smile softly at him. He sits next too me and I yawn softly. "You can go to sleep hun" he says and I blush softly. I nod laying my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes. I soon feel myself falling asleep but not before hearing "goodnight princess". I smile softly before falling into a deep sleep.

(Hey guysssss what's upppp. I'm sorry I've been gone so long I locked myself out of my account lol. But hope you guys like this chapter yes I know it's short bare with me lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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