Chapter One

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A/N: Colson is machine gun Kelly btw because I'm low key obsessed.

Kellins P.O.V.

I ran down the stairs of my house almost falling I was going so fast. I ignored my parents questioning glances as I opened the garage door and slammed it behind me. I pulled my bike out of behind a bunch of tarps and toolboxes and then ran out the back door. I hopped on it and started pedaling as fast as I could even though it was a bit difficult seeing the tires were half deflated. I turned into my best friends driveway and pretty much threw my bike down on the rough gravel. I quickly walked to the front door and knocked repeatedly for what must have been a whole 2 minutes before he answered.

"He-" he got out before I pushed him out of the way lightly and stormed straight to this hangout room he had, seeing he lived alone besides his soulmate who was only here after she got off work. I set myself down on his couch dramatically.

"My birthday is in 2 days and that means I'm switching bodies with who could be a in a mafia or something or like be a old homeless person." I ranted almost having a panic attack.

"You know they pair you up with a soulmate that's your age right?" Colson assured. I nodded and buried my face in my hands.

"You know what I'm just gonna try and have a good few days in my body before switching to an ugly ass chick." I said but it was kind of mumbled because my hands were still over my face.

"What makes you so sure it's gonna be a chick?" He smirked. I smacked him with a nearby pillow.

"Because me liking guys was just a phase." I told him. He smiled and nodded. "Yup suuuure." I smacked him yet again and stormed back out of the room.

"Hey dude wanna go to the mall with me?" Colson questioned. I nodded and got into the passenger seat of his car knowing he could drive seeing he was a year older than me. As we started driving I thought of something.

"What if I put a note with my address in my mouth right before midnight then we switch bodies then he will know where I live?"

"I doubt it would work. Usually you have to go based on the clue the government gives you." He states.

I stayed quiet and looked at my reflection in the window. I didn't want to leave my body and be in someone elses who could be weird looking for all I know. I wanted to stay with my dark brown hair and my green eyes and everything I've been with for the last 17, almost 18 years. After me and Colson were done at the mall. I went home and sighed landing on my bed. I took out a sheet of paper from the drawer on my nightstand and wrote a letter.

Dear whatever your name is (my soulmate),

My name is Kellin Quinn. I live in Portland, Oregon. More specifically 16814 N. Division street. Just knock on that address and I'll be there. Or you'll be there I guess because I'll be in your body. This is freaking me out and I'm not sure what I can or should do about it but I guess I have no other option. I guess I'll just state a few facts about myself just in case this goes through and you are interested in what I'm like seeing we will be stuck together for quite awhile.
•I'm gay but I haven't really told anyone but I guess they will find out when I switch bodies with a guy.
•I really love to sing.
•my favorite color is yellow
•my birthday is April 24th
•im really terrified of snakes
•my favorite food is Chinese food
•and lastly I suck at relationships so prepare for me to be clingy and weird.

See you soon hopefully. ~Kellin Bostwick Quinn.

I left the note on my nightstand and then sighed hoping he will see it. I don't wanna be one of those people that are stuck in there soulmates body forever. I pulled my comforter up above my shoulders and fell asleep.

Vic's P.O.V

"And..I win." I stated as I moved my piece over one in the monopoly bored.

"Goddamnit!" Jaime screamed as he flipped the board over knocking all the pieces and cards off. I chuckled and started picking up the cards off the floor setting them carefully back in the box.

"So Vic, I'm so excited to see you as a women." I smiled but inside my head I knew I would be forced to come out as gay when I switched into a dudes body in 2 days. I looked over at him messing with his hair in the mirror. "When I switched with Jessica I had a vagina for 3 months."

"Jaime shut the fuck up gross." I said smiling even though I was disgusted.

"Well it happened!" He assured and I just nodded and gave him a weird look. I closed the box to the game and put it back under the coffee table

"Jaime you gotta go home it's getting late." I said knowing my parents didn't like when he stayed over here passed 12 o' clock. "Okey doke." He smiled and grabbed his backpack. He always seemed to be smiling. He left out the door without another word and left me sitting in the middle of the living room floor thinking. Wondering who I was gonna have as a body and whether or not I would be attracted to them. I guess I'll see soon enough. Tomorrow at midnight I'll no longer look like Vic Fuentes. I'll be another dude from who knows where. I carried my self up to my room and shut off the light. I didn't go to sleep though I just stared at the ceiling knowing 24 hours from now I'll be a whole different person.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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