Early Morning Light

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Early Morning Light

I slept, however it didn’t feel like it. A dream haunted me all night, and it wasn’t one from my life with Michael, this one was different.

It started with a fire, it was hot and I could feel it all around me, making it hard to breathe. It was suffocating, but finally I was able to push past it. Then I was being carried. I flailed around kicking and screaming trying to escape, but whoever had me wasn’t going to put me down. I began sobbing then. I saw a house, quaint, burning to the ground. Around me there were screams and howls all painful. Surrounding the house were wolves and humans, a fire truck, ambulance and police officers. “What happened?” someone whispered.

“Where are the others?”

“How did it start?”

The questions were never above a whisper. Then I felt something so strange, amazing and wonderful, but foreign. The person who was holding be brought me down from their shoulder and hugged me tightly against their chest, hiding the burning building from me.

The dream changed so suddenly. I was hoping that it was going to be over. There was more fires, and heavy smoke. People were running and screaming. Something to my right exploded. This time no one was holding me and comforting me. I was standing alone in the middle of a barren street. I turned and ran as fast as I could, I wasn’t sure where I was running, or what I was running from. In fact I didn’t know anything at all, how old was I… and the ever haunting question… WHO was I?

Finally someone grabbed me. I flailed and screamed, truing to see who had picked me up. It wasn’t a loving face which part of me was hoping it was going to be. I saw Michael.

I woke up with a start seeing his face again. It left my heart rattling in my chest. My head throbbed and my arm burned.

It took me a few minutes to calm down, relax my racing heart and send the horrid dream away. I wonder if part of it had been a memory. Or the whole thing? Was I kidnapped, did that mean I had a family somewhere? Is there a record?

Questions ran through my head faster than the dream had. I felt exhausted like I hadn’t slept at all. Groaning in protest I got out of bed and pulled on clean clothes and shoved the dirty ones into the bag. Heading downstairs I was met with staring faces. Everyone looked like they hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep.

“You need to cap your mind.” August growled at me. I blinked at him confused. John sighed and Bonny looked like she was going to burst into tears. She got up and wrapped me in a warm soft hug. I don’t know what came over me in that hug, if it was remembering the warm hug from my dream or the emotions that were coming from Bonny, but I began sobbing and clinging on to her desperately.

The room was quite as I sobbed my heart out, my chest heaving from the tears, the pain. It racked through my body uncontrollably. I could feel it physically.

I pulled away from Bonny sharply and ran to the kitchen sink, where I heaved out the remains of my dinner. She came beside me and lifted my hair back and rubbed my back as I coughed into the sink.


George (the Alpha of the pack from the gas station) sat beside me watching quietly. “Visiting family?” He questioned. I nodded. In a way we were, getting mine back and maybe hers.

“Samantha hasn’t had…” I began but he held a hand up.

“I don’t have to know, it’s your tale, and your mission. I saw enough last night.” He sighed. “But promise me you’ll do that man one in for me.” George growled his eyes shifting color. “Someone who inflicts that kind of pain on a sweet girl deserves the worst kind of punishment.” He looked at me his frown dark. That look in his eyes told me that he was a man who had seen things of the darkest kind. I took his hand and shook it hard sharing his gaze.

When Samantha had calmed down and Bonny had cleaned her up we gathered our things and packed the car. Waving good bye we moved on. August sat in the back seat this time (without a fuss surprisingly) and let Sam sit in the front.

I didn’t want to baby her, but my big brother instincts took over, and I made her sleep in the car. I forced my mind into hers to keep the dream from returning. It wasn’t hard she slept in darkness and I pulled my mind away.

“She is unnatural.” August whispered. I shrugged.

“She’s different, I’ll give you that.” I stated looking at him in the review mirror. “But she’s still one of us.” He grumbled and glared out the window. Logically Sam should be dead, even for an Ancient that’s a lot to go through.


I laid down and sat impatient in the small cave. “I’m here to switch you off.” A voice croaked through the heavy door.

“Finally!” The guards cried. They jumped up and as soon as the door came open they were out and gone. I chuckled as they left. Then a very old man, carrying a Sudoku book, came in and sat down on the only chair. He smiled weakly. He didn’t tremble or shake, there wasn’t a trace of fear on him.

I growled at him, nothing. He didn’t react at all. He chuckled at me and watched the door until it was shut, the lock turning from the other side. “G’night Fred!” Someone called.

So this was the nightshift. “You know, the guards aren’t here to keep you in.” Fred said after a moment. He chuckled. “We’re here to make sure you don’t kill yer’ self.” He chuckled. He put his book down and pulled out a set of keys. “But you ain’t vicious. Nah!” He chuckled as he slowly walked closer to me. The keys shook in his hand. I watched him carefully. He moved to my side. “Now if you don’t’ bite me…” he reached for my neck. I sat motionless “I can take this ugly thing off.” The key clicked and the collar fell off and rattled on the floor. “Cause there’s nothing an old man like me can do to stop a big ol’ girl like you.” He chuckled and went back to his chair. I stood and stretched my back and legs out. “I have to say you are the biggest wolf I’ve er’ seen through here.” He leaned in his chair to whisper, as if someone might be listening. “Ye’ ask me I’d say they were bringing kids. You know like you, just little ones.” I growled though not at him, but the truth of his words.

Samantha was a child when she was brought here, she had to be for the lacking of her memories. “Just so ye’ know, I have to but that collar back on you at the end of my shift.” He said. “Please be nice, I just thought it would be nice to get out of it for a while.” I looked at him for a minute the decided.

I shifted human slowly and stood in front of him as a human. His eyes went wide. “I want you to tell me everything you know about this man and his book.” His eyes did a once over of my body then he nodded slowly.  

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