+Kim Taehyung+

116 15 4

[A/N: does it annoy you that I switch pov every chapter? I could change it, I just thought it'd be nice]

Taehyung looked at his phone, it was already 3am.
He couldn't sleep, tomorrow was his date with Jimin and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

He tried to distract himself, but to no avail.
Running his hand through his hair, he decided to walk to the kitchen and get some warm milk, which had always helped him whenever he couldn't sleep.

Sipping his cup, he thought of things to do tomorrow on his date.

I did invite him to a date, but I don't even know what to do on a date..
He was silently cursing his friend for leaving for the night, he would've been a big help to Taehyung right now.

And so 10 minutes later, he was behind his laptop, looking up places to go to for a date.

"Restaurant? Nah, too fancy and it's only the first date. It should be casual and fun.." mumbling to himself, he didn't notice his phone going off.

At the second time it went off, he shot out of his daze and looked at his phone.

Ho(e)seok hyung calling..

He picked up and was greeted with a slurry "'sup friend, I love you." and some giggles in the background telling Hoseok to hang up.
Taehyung rolled his eyes, "hyung, what do you want? It's 3am you better have a good reason, are you drunk?"
His response was slurred and Taehyung barely heard it, "I'm not drunk pfft I don't do alcohol, it's bad, y'know?"

Taehyung ran a hand through his hair again, "Where are you? I'm going to pick you up."
But all Hoseok seemed to hear was 'pick you up' and he started singing all of a sudden. [A/N: I had to.]
"Answer me, is there anyone near you that is sober, or who at least can tell me where you are?"
He was slowly getting irritated, why does he always end up going clubbing?

Taehyung ended up going to a club that was near their house, knowing Hoseok, he'd probably not want to walk too far.
He spotted his drunk friend, who was talking to random people, and almost immediately ran towards him, grabbing him by his collar.
"Ok, you've had enough for tonight. Let's go home." He practically dragged his sputtering friend back to his car.

When they got home, Taehyung helped his friend out of the car, he had calmed down significantly and now seemed to be half asleep.
Taehyung sighed, "hyung, I'm going to help you get to your room."
Hoseok nodded at that, he seemed to be quite out of it.

They arrived at his room and Taehyung dropped Hoseok on his bed and then left the room, suddenly feeling very tired.
He arrived in his room and checked his phone real quick before dropping himself on his bed.

5:12AM... I better get some sleep..
His thoughts halted and he was out like a light.

Taehyung was woken up by the sound of throwing up and groaning.
He opened his eyes, got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom, where he saw Hoseok hunched over the toilet.
"Do you want me to get some painkillers and make some food?" Hoseok could only nod as he had to throw up again.

After helping Hoseok with his hangover he decided to inform his friend of his date.
"So, I'm going on a date today and I was wondering if you had any ideas because I'd like the date to be fun and cute caus-" he was cut off by laughter.
"Taehyung, you'll be fine. You could go get ice cream and you'd probably still make it fun, you can make everything fun!"

Taehyung almost blushed at his friends' words, he'd never been complimented like this by his friend.
"Yah!" Hoseok's head turned so quickly Taehyung was afraid it'd snap.
"You little shit.." run was the only thing going through Taehyung's mind, and so he did.

"I'm going to get ready for the date!"

Lmao this was really shitty.
The date will be the next chapter.
I hate how this turned out aaaaaaa

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