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@roseysposeys changed the subject to 'Tres Bestias'

@priyincess; so we're here what's up?

@beeanmycans; so you know how our manager is the best person in the entire universe

@roseysposeys; omd what's going on????????

@beeanmycans; he booked me on nashville, zoella on riverdale and pri on power rangers

@roseysposeys; JEEESUX CHRIST

@priyincess; before I start as what ranger?

@beeanmycans; pink -_- 

@priyincess; whoa nelly 

@roseysposeys: my ovaries just exploded have you seen kj apa

@beeanmycans added +202-555-0165

@priyincess; who dat??

@beeanmycans; shana

@roseysposeys; whelp bitches madelaine petsch just called me so.... bye !

@beeanmycans; slut 

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