Sleep and Start Of Love

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Alxerczo's POV

After he had finished his explanation, I still had one more question for him, one question that made me think he was hiding something. I wanted to ask why he had a Mana Stone. But before I could convince myself to ask him, the other 5 beta testers arrived.

We had to wait for Tatsu to wake up from her magical induced sleep. Zavros explained that the sudden loss of all her magical power had been too much, as she was still a relative novice at the whole magic business. I asked if she would wake up sooner if she got some magical power. Zavros saw what I was getting at, and he said that I couldn't hurt and to make sure I was committed to doing this, the consequences if I didn't keep control of the amount of magic I gave her, she could unconsciously sap me of everything I have. I then started the process of gaining access to my magic. I punched through the veil at the back of my mind and allowed magic to flow through my body before I placed my hand over Tatsu's and directed with great effort my magic to transfer to her. I didn't know at the time what it meant that I could do this, but apparently it was incredibly rare to be able to transfer magic as smoothly as I did.

Zavros' POV

I was sure Alxerczo could do it, I didn't think it would be at such ease to him, but my curiosity could be saved for later as I noticed the growing strain on Alxerczo's face as he slowly drained himself of his power. I took a significant risk, but I couldn't let my friend fall into magical slumber as well, so I decided to subtly give Tatsu my magic as well. This was risky, not for me, but Alxerczo, if he were perceptive enough, would notice something as his effort would significantly lessen when I began. I also had to not show anyone else that I was doing this.

I, unlike every other magician in the world, have the veil that I have to pass through in my mind to access magic. No, I did away with that primitive method long ago. It's hard to explain how my method works, but the best way to describe it is that I have a portal inside my head that allows magic to flow through and then I can use it for my own purposes. This is one of the reasons why I can hide that I use magic so well, the magic is stored nowhere in my body, it is stored elsewhere.

So, I began transferring my magic at a rate that would fill her reserves in about 20 seconds, and I could do this because even if she tried her magical hunger isn't big enough to even make a dent in my pool of magic, but too much magic at one time could overwhelm her.

Tatsu's POV (Bet you think I forgot to do her POV)

I was asleep that much I knew. How was a different matter. I remember dueling Zavros, being tossed across the field and muttering something to Alxerczo before falling asleep. As I contemplated how I fell asleep, I began to feel something happening. It could only be described as a feeling of energy as if liquid caffeine was being injected into my veins. At first, it was quite slow, but after about 10 minutes it started to get significantly faster, and I began to wake up, and I used the time I had left to think of every possible scenario for what happened.

The feeling then suddenly stopped and I then finally was able to open my eyes, and I saw that Zavros was sitting next to me watching and waiting for me to wake up. Zavros was his usual calm and indifferent self sitting almost unsettling still and next to him was the complete opposite in Alxerczo, he looked nervous and was pacing a good 10 feet away with the Beta Testers that must've arrived while I was sleeping. I decided to savour the moment and laid my head back and waited for them to notice I had woken up. I must admit that I didn't mind waking up next to Zavros, I knew he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

My thoughts stopped there when Zavros' voice cut through my consciousness. He quietly asked, not allowing the others to hear, how much longer I was going to pretend to still be asleep. I then looked at him and opened my eyes to see him staring at me, waiting for an answer. I asked him what happened to me.

He sighed and told me everything he had told Alxerczo, including the details of his sword. I then realized what happened and what I had muttered to Alxerczo. I had said the name of his sword. His sword was legendary and wasn't even thought to exist. I tried to use some magic to get back at him, some harmless prank like pushing him over with force but I met a wall when I sought to access my magic. The usual veil that protected my magic was replaced with an impenetrable wall. I had no idea how he knew, but he told me not to bother trying to access my magic, I had lost it so fast that my magic went into a panic and sealed itself off until it had determined I was safe.

He said that it should relax on the way to wherever it was we were going.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my feet. I blushed and jerked my hand away from him and told him I could've got up on my own. He just raised an eyebrow at me and then lead my towards the rest of the group, and then we set off. Zavros, shooed them all away when they tried hounding me with questions. They backed off, and I wasn't sure if it was out of respect or fear that they listened to him. Alxerczo though, I allowed to ask questions, and he was kind in his questioning. Instead of being overly kind and coddling me, he merely consulted on what it was like fighting him and how I felt while I was asleep.

After we had swapped experiences in the duel with him, Alxerczo shared with me the biggest question he had with Zavros. What is the Mana Stone for? I couldn't figure it out either then I figured out why he kept in in his sword. All the magic he sapped from his enemies with Night's Edge must go somewhere, he's a swordsman, he doesn't have near enough storage to consistently store all the power he takes. So, he just stores it in the gem. I could almost hear Alxerczo's mental smack to the face. He cursed himself for not figuring it out but he then praised my on my discovery, we wouldn't share our thoughts with Zavros, but I suspected that it didn't matter, Zavros somehow knew, how you may ask? I saw a ghost of a smile on Zavros' face which I would not have noticed if expressions were so rare for him.

We walked for an hour before we came to the end of the blood trail. I will never forget what we found inside.

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