Chapter Two-"It only gets worse"

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After that whole phase where Blurryface tried to take over in the middle of practice, Tyler decided to take the day off. He couldn't do the concert that night, and he had to personally contact all of the fans who were going that night to break the news to them. Of course, all the fans were very disappointed, but he said he would make it up to them. He decided to stay in the hotel that night with Jenna, watching a movie. Actually many movies. Tyler distracted himself from Blurryface, and none of the phases happened that night.
The next day, he felt a lot better. He had a concert to do that night, so he went to practice. He told himself that he wouldn't let Blurryface get to him. He convinced himself that he would be okay. And he was.

The concert was a complete success, and fans were really caring about how he had missed the concert a few nights ago. Tyler had just told them that he wasn't feeling well, not that he had a battle with Blurryface.

A few days after that, Tyler and Josh had a break for a few days from performing. They decided to go explore. They were still in Connecticut, and decided to go to the Peabody Museum. As Tyler, Jenna, and Josh were exploring, Tyler had another phase in the middle of the museum. He stood there, straight as a statue, his eyes wide again, but now he was shaking. Jenna and Josh looked at each other, very concerned, and ran over to Tyler. Jenna placed a kiss on his lips like last time, but it didn't work. He began to mumble, "No, Blurryface no, please stop, you can't overpower me. I can be stronger."

Jenna pulled Josh aside again, looked him in the eyes, and said, "It only gets worse." This was serious. Blurryface phases only get worse. There was nothing they could do. Tyler was still standing in the middle of the museum, shaking, but now mumbling desperately, "S-save my-y h-heavydirtys-soul..." Slowly, tears dripped from his eyes down to his cheeks. People were staring. Josh and Jenna had no idea what to do. Then, Josh decided it was time to just get it over with. He lifted Tyler, and he brought him out to the car. Of course, Tyler didn't know that was happening. He was in the blurry world.

As soon as they got back the hotel, Tyler snapped back to reality. He stayed in bed for the rest of the day, confused. He was scared. He was afraid of getting permanently stuck in the blurry world. He was afraid that Blurryface would take over his whole body, making it so that there was basically no more Tyler Joseph. He knew he was safe knowing that he had friends like Josh and Jenna.

"Ty, can I ask you a question?" Jenna asked Tyler that day.

He sat up from the bed and said, "Sure."

"What's it like in blurry world? What brings you there?"

"It's all Blurryface. I don't know what he does. I have no control over him. It's always a battle. Mister Misty-Eyed against Blurryface." Tyler replied.

That night, Tyler and Jenna both stayed up very late. Tyler couldn't sleep thinking about blurry world, and Jenna was trying to crack the code on this whole catastrophe.

Jenna was very adventurous and loved to take on new challenges. She really wanted to figure out everything she could about the blurry world and the Blurryface takeover catastrophe.

Since they had stayed up all night, they slept all day the next day. They were going back to Columbus soon, and they needed to pack their stuff. Well, that didn't work out. They packed everything last minute, and almost missed their flight.

On the flight back to Columbus, another phase happened. Tyler was enjoying the view from his window seat, with Jenna next to him and Josh next to her. He was in the middle of talking to them, and he stopped. Blurryface was trying to take over again. He started to shake again, and he was mumbling stuff. Jenna looked over at Josh, once again concerned, and she thought about what she was doing the night before. As she was trying to crack the code, she noticed that Tyler was never in reality. Maybe Josh and Jenna themselves could even try to get into the blurry world to see whats going on. But they had no idea how.

Once again, everyone was staring at Tyler, not just because he was in the phase. He's also really famous. A lot of people wanted an autograph, and they thought Tyler was ignoring them. Jenna put a hat and sunglasses over his face and said that he was sleeping. Hey, what else were they supposed to do?

Once the plane landed, Tyler was back. He was okay. He didn't look out of sorts. He just looked tired. He was heavily breathing again.

Tyler and Jenna went straight to their home, letting Tyler rest while Jenna continued to try to crack the code.

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