Chapter 4.5: Investagation

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No ones POV

"What do you want from me!" Betty screamed."I wanted you to love me but that bitch turn you into a dyke" A manly figure voice said. Betty tries to look around but it was so dark she could see. "Now you precious little Veronica is going to pay my love" The voice said.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Betty started to tear up. " What are you going to do about it. You can't even fight for yourself." Then everything went completely black.


Veronica's POV

I'm home crying my eyes out when I should be looking for the love of my life. But mom is still making go to school because the police can "handle" it. They can't ever find the murderer of Jason. How can the find Betty?

I get to school and immediately started looking for Kevin and Archie. I finally found the two by Archie's locker. "Where is Betty"Kevin asked confused. "Kidnapped." The two boys where taken aback by my answer. "Kidnapped" Archie repeatedly said.

"I just don't know what t-to do and–and I'm really scare of what might happen to her" I started crying. "Hey, everything is going to be fine, she's going to be fi—You don't know that Kev" I cutoff Kevin as he tried to comfort me.

"My mom said let the police handle it but we all know their idiots" I said."How about we have our own investigation because we're somehow smarter ." Archie and Kevin look at me questionably as they thought about my idea." Fine I'm in, Kevin?" "Yeah I'm in I guess." " Good so we meet after school?" They both nodded and we walked to class.


Betty's POV

I had just woke up but still can Barely see anything around me. I was tied to a chair. I look down at my self. I was completely naked. Was I raped? I started to cry just thinking about it.

Someone walks in, it looks like a male- shaped figure. "Well look who's finally awake" The voice said. "What did you do to me." "I just had a little fun that's all, honey." I cried even harder because I knew exactly what he/she meant.

How the hell am I going to make it out of this situation alive? How am I'm going to see the love of my life again? I have so many questions bottled up inside of me. At this point I might as well stop trying. Give up.

(A/N) Sorry that was a very short chapter but I just wanted to update for you guys as quickly as possible. With all love dolls ❤️.

Do you guy watch Pretty Little Liar. If you do I thank god for you everyday cuz at this I can give fucks who A.D. Is, I just want to know if emison is endgame or not cuz the playing with my emison heart.

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