Part 1

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Samuel was staring into the distans at the papi that was Joji. He was extremely arosd and shaken to the core. SUDDENLY, Joji spun around in angerat the rat that is tbd.

SAM was xtremly sad seeing how upsnet and repulsed joji haad become upon discobering that samuels glare was aimed at his jennytaelia. SHOCK! Joji thought in anger, as he ran full sped at sam. OH GOSH! scremmed sam running in fear.

I AM NO HOMOSEXXIAL U FAG scremed joji, (this was a clear lie to tbd but he contined to ran is feer) but because of tbd's freakishly shrt legges, just like a fish... joji caught up to sam in no time at all and caught him with him with his net and escapped through the widnow., jumping to the ground while bound2 by kanye welst (acoustic version) played in the background on sams brand new! holographic purplee ipod nano!!

WHERE R U TALKING ME! said sam. IM TAKING U TO a crak house U SKINNY SNEK. at this point sam sat down in joji's big net and began comeng to terms with his fate, i will do anything master just please dont take me to the drug wnakersn... the will smoke the flavours !1!1!!!!!1!!!!!! I KNOW said joji with a smirkk,,, they'll smok u too.;;;;)

They reache da big crak , just a few mins down the road from sams bungaloo were he liked to bungaloo about and bugaloo things. xoxo

there were a bunch of fat chav lesbeens with scoot scoots and vaseline on there midle age toes.

they were like get gone ya nonces!!1 in ur pink slamon slootzz

AH ah ha ahahah said joji time to fight!!11243566848-48s3C]\

ThatBritishDude x JojiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora