Chapter 3 - The Machina Clan

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"They exist! The machina clan exists!"

Alize was jumping in joy like a little kid. She wore an expression like a person who won the lottery.


Alize suddenly stopped laughing and stood properly. She sat down with her face as red as a tomato. She gestured her hand forward, and a streak of bloodmist formed and took form. Luhngdren reappeared and encircled Alize, and took a rest on her lap.

"A-anyway. Let's go to a better place to talk sbout this. Hmm. I think the temple would be fine, is that ok with you?"

"But –"

"The temple it is then! Let's go!"

"Why'd you bring out that dog for?"

"Hey, watch it, Luhngdren is a half."

"Well, a half dog."

"Luhngdren can sense bloodlust, so I just made him scan the area to see if the place is safe."


Alize and Ronnan then headed to Tsubasa Shrine cautiously. After a while they were able to head back safely and finally they reached the shrine.

"It's quite big..."

Ronnan's face turned bright wuth surprise. Having seen a shrine this big had stirred him up quite a bit, for in his past, he wasn't able to visit these shrines.

"Don't let the gates fool you~"

Alize chuckled and smiled at Ronnan's murmurs. They preceded to go inside the shrine, and found multiple japanese rooms. The doors had a design of a crane or pretty much anything flying creature. They entered the room which could be considered the main room. Ronnan's face had changed to a somewhat "what in the blazes is this" classic shocked face. The room had an altar on the far top middle of the room. It stretched out to the walls. The middle had a picture of a woman, and a man. The picture had 2 candles each beside them, and an incense between. Alize tapped the table to get Ronnan's attention and told him to sit in front of her.

"Now tell me, tell me~ About the Machina clan! I promise you I'll tell you what thaht weird thing behind you is, tell me your story first~ "

If Alize had dog tail, it would be wagging all over the place already. She had sparkling eyes and moved her face closely to Ronnan, still with her shining eyes. Ronnan's face had begun to go red. He sighed and gave up.

"Okay, okay calm down..."

Alize sat properly. Truly like a priestess. A holy aura could be felt emitting from Alize, but a waft of curiosity had mixed with it. Ronnan sighed deeply and prepared himself.

"I don't remember my childhood clearly, but I was abandoned by my parents. No, that would be wrong to call it like that. They sacrificed themselves. All I remember was my father had a sword equipped as we were running through the town filled with flames, and houses defiled by blood."

Ronnan wore a reminscing sad face. He looked up into the ceiling and continued his narration.

"I fell into deep sleep, and woke up in a room. I lived a normal life, until this thing behind me appeared. I became too scared to go out. Now I'm searching for the answers to this question. Wait since when dmdid you have a tea on your table?"

Alize was drinking tea calmly and was listening properly to Ronnan. She put down her cup and had finally been put to clarity.

"So the machina clan had been ended by thy war huh. What did the attackers look like?"

" They had a horn. Somewhere, anywhere. Just a single horn."

"The Maou's underlings... Hahh... This is a lot to take in. Well. To be fair I should be telling my story now huh?"

Ronnan's face had brighten up and could hardly control himself. He sat down properly yet it gives out the aura of curiosity. Alize breathed in deeply and started.

"The Tsubasa Clan was..."

To be Continued

The Queen's Return. (Alize's Story.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora