Have to talk to Miss Abby

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Today is the day I'm going to task Abby to let me join back onto the team, I'm not going to let my team mates stop me from achieving my dream of becoming a professional dancer and the only way to achieve that Is to get more training from my dance teacher and to put my personal life behind me when I'm training or competing.

I arrived at dance around 9:00 am, to be honest I have mixed feelings about coming back like I'm excited to be dancing but I'm nervous about Abby and that I'm going to be an outsider again. I walked  into the studio and everyone just stared blankly at me, I had butterflies and my head was sweating ,  I approached miss Abby she didn't look to happy to see me.

" What are you doing here Mackenzie? I thought you quite at least that's what your mom and Maddie told me but I guess your mom does have a tenancy to lie so it wouldn't surprise me if she lied" Abby said gruntly.

" No I just took a break from the drama for a little bit I never quit, I came back because I'm ready to dance" I said nervously.

" Oh ok, you thought you were welcome back, is that right?" Abby said sarcastically.

" Well... I guess so,  I didn't think I was no longer welcome" I spoke confusedly.  

" Well Mackenzie you have to prove that you are devoted to the team no more squabbling amongst my students and  No more being defiant, do I make myself clear Mackenzie" Abby said sternly.

" Crystal clear Miss Abby, Thank you".

I was so relieved

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