Nearly Caught | Lancelot | BBC Merlin

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Y/N walked up to her bedroom door slowly. She could hear quiet breathing coming from exactly behind the door. Slowly she took out her black-diamond encrusted dagger and put her her hand on the door. Then quickly she opened it and-

"What the-!" said Lancelot who was crossed eye , staring at the dagger between his eyes. 

"Lancelot?!" questioned Y/N half amused , half curious

"Please kindly remove your dagger love" he whispered in his husky , voice , sending shivers down her back 

"oh of course" she replied ,grinning backing away , she threw the dagger back on her bed and leaned on the side of the door frame , blushing at the though that Lancelot was here , standing outside her door, going red at the fact that he had come to see her at night.

"You shouldn't be here," she whispered , telling him off , but still was smiling . 

"Nah , Arthur will never find out" he replied leaning forward 

Y/N rose her eye brows at his words

"What?!" he said laughing

"Is this the same man I know , who is know to be the most chivalrous and noble?" she teased 

He grinned 

He then moved forward so his body was close to hers , inches apart . She could feel his hot breath on her neck as she looked into his brown eyes which showed a different emotion today. A rebel look.

"Love ,"  he whispered seductively , " I feel ......" he left the sentence hanging 

She smiled and moved closer and put her hands on the nape of his neck. "Feel what?- " she said prompted , though she already knew what was coming

His eye glinted and suddenly his lips smashed onto hers his hands automatically going to her hips .He pushed her back into the door frame and pressed up his body against hers while they kissed. Y/N's hands went to his hand becoming entangled with his locks . She felt a hunger appear in inside her that had never been there before. She wanted more. She wanted Him. Y/N yelped as he pushed closer there bodies pressed tightly against each others. He broke of and start kissing her neck , placing a few love-bites in the process. She stifled a moaned as he found her sweet spot and kissed it harder. 

"Shh" he whispered against her neck , making her go crazy

"Lance-" she started but he put a hand to her mouth . She stared at him as his eyes grew wide. 

She followed his gaze to see Merlin standing there , red faced staring at them.Behind him Y/N could hear the voices of Arthur and Gwaine. 

"Quickly!" whispered Y/N and shoved Lancelot through her door , she followed making a sign of silence to Merlin , who still was staring at them. She looked around and pointed to the curtains .

"Behind there NOW" she commanded worried . 

The voices grew louder

Lancelot quickly ran to the curtains and stepped behind them. Y/N nodded and ran to her bed , getting in just as there was a knock on the door. 

"Y/N ? ," called Arthur , "Sister it's me , open up" 

Y/N  got up and went to open the door  but as she passed the mirror she and saw the purple bruise forming on her neck. "Curse you Lancelot" she whispered and hurried to find a piece of cloth . Instead she found a shawl and wrapped it around herself , making sure it was covering her neck . Then she went and opened the door a bit. 

"took you long enough." he grumbled 

"What do you want Arthur! Its so late!" she exclaimed feigning tiredness.

"Uh sorry , I just wanted to ask if ....."

he asked the question

Y/N glared at Arthur and spat back "YOU woke ME up in the middle of the night to ask me THAT?" she cried and slammed the door on him. 

She crossed her fingers at Lancelot who was peeking out from the curtains. 

She stood still then as the voices of Arthur and Gwaine argued for a bit and then slowly faded away. 

She sighed and walked back to her bed and lay down , ignoring Lancelot who was whispering "Are they gone?" 

Lancelot then appeared by her bed side and started taking off his armor

"Lancelot?!" questioned Y/N smiling but also trying to keep her angry face on. He winked as his took of his shirt and slipped into the bed next to her. 
"Careful!" exclaimed Y/N sliding her arm to catch the dagger that she had thrown their earlier.Her hand instead landed on his chest , making her turn red. He grinned and leaned forward. 

"Lancelot! You nearly got me caught by Arthur! and now you want to do this again?"she asked laughing

He smiled and kissed her lips gently , swiftly moving forward so their bodies were once again together. Then he pulled away and put his hand on her side, circling towards her back  and she snuggled herself into his strong arms . Y/N lifted her leg and put it on his. She felt so safe in his arms , like she'd never had to worry ever again.

Slowly they both drifted off.

Sorry Its short ................and sorry its Lancelot again



Dont be surprised if I do another on him...or the actor .like to find that gif on him I nearly took an hour trying to decide between all those AMAZING pics of Santiago Cabrera. *sigh* even his name his amazing



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