Chapter 1

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Emma, Lily and Tyler were all raised thinking it normal to know when they will die...

What they didn't know was that barcodes where a man made defect and they could be stopped.
If you had an earlier Barcode number than your friends you were known as an outcast.

Emma and Lily were best friends since they where 2 and a half years old. By the age of 13 the girls where known as the "Dynamic duo" and everyone knew that nobody could break through there circle of friendship

Until... Tyler Harvey (The new boy at there old private school(Point Libby High)) came along and burst their bubble of friendship straight away. After that the "Dynamic duo" where no more. Lily, Emma and Tyler where known as the "Three Musketeers"

Mrs Gawmer (The teacher) announced that everybody in the class was going to group up in twos or Threes and create a assignment all where passionate about. Immediately Tyler came up with a great idea. "We should have the topic as 'Stopping Barcodes'!" Tyler said in a very confident voice. At first Emma and Lily taught He Was joking around then they noticed the truth in Tyler's Eyes and relised he was being completely serious.

Emma and Lily turned to face each other shared a Confused but rather 'Should we?' Look for a few seconds then turned back to Tyler and said In Union "OK but. Are you sure?" "YES!!" Tyler said almost immediately. So it was settled The 'Three Musketeers" Passion project was gonna be about barcodes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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