Where am i?

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Dedicated to the ever so eager: catrachotia_bonita and thank you for reminding me to update my stories ^_^ (catrachotia_bonita: ooo plz update soon!!)

"Not again" I think to myself, I close my eyes tight as I clutch my ears, I open my eyes back up again and the room was going pitch black right before my eyes, I knew I was passing out but I just didn't want to believe it, the room when fully black before I heard quiet whispers among me.
- 3 days later-
I open my eyes and sit up, I rub the back of t head and I look around to see where I am, I am in a cold dark room that seems it might be a basement of some sort, it doesn't have nice an rats running around like most basements do. I just shrug it off, I turn myself and I stand up, I see stairs heading up, "wow my feet are really cold" I think to myself as I stop and look down at my feet, I notice I am wearing no shoes, a red X large sized hoodie, dark blue skinny jeans, a tank top, and my hair is in a ponytail (all my back up clothes for the dance (except the hoodie)) I am a little confused for a moment until I hear faint voices coming from upstairs. I walk over to the bottom of the stairs quietly an I creep up them slowly to listen to what the people are saying, the door opens...

Haha XD CLIFFHANGER!! Sorry that it was short but here is and update for you people's.

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