Chapter One- Alyssa

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Hey People,

This is my new story on Wattpad, a fanfic of FairyTail. Just letting you know that the magic that Alyssa has isnt actually rare in the original. it is just a normal power in the normal fairytail. Also none of these characters are mine except for Alyssa and the other characters that will come in later, from her Guild. i also made the Guild up and please dont copy my ideas.

- thankyou xoxo


Chapter One- Alyssa

No matter how hard Alyssa thought she could not remember anything about her past. She knew what she was, her name, but not who she was, and her brother, Alexander. "Alex"she thought to herself sighing. "Where are you?" Or more importantly where am I?

I look around and get a good look at my surroundings. Tall, lush green trees tower over me and a single path runs between them. Bushes with flowers swarming them are lined up on either sides of the path. Small animals rush around the ground while birds swoop down from the trees. I start walking down the path; after all I can't just stand there.

As I walk down the path my head starts throbbing. "Owww" I moan, rubbing my head. I sit down in front of a near-by tree, my vision hazy. "Why is my head hurting?" I mutter aloud, shuffling my feet on the ground.

"What are you doing here?" An old, screechy voice yells from behind me.

I whip around in fright causing my long light Brown hair to whip my face. "GET OUT! I HATE HUMANS!" She yells again. I start to stand but my head starts throbbing and I fall to the ground. Tears puddle in the corner of my eyes before dripping down my face. I wasn't quite sure why i was crying. Was it my head? Or Alex? I just didn't know anymore. The old lady's face softens lightly and she helps me stand up. "I'm sorry sweetie, come inside" she beckons to the tree behind her. I squint my eyes trying to make sense of what the lady was saying. How could you walk into a tree? Clearly this lady was bonkers. As my vision starts to clear I see that at the foot of the tree sits a wooden door. The lady holds the door open for me and I stumble inside.

Inside the tree sits a single room. There is a bed towards the end of the room on which above it sits a small window. There are multiple cupboards and wardrobes around the room and a couch sitting opposite the bed. It looks very cosy. "Let's get you cleaned up" the lady smiles at me. I frown and look down at myself. That's when I realise what she's talking about. My clothes were ripped and covered in mud.

The lady walks to a wardrobe and pulls out pieces of clothing. She then chucks it on the bed and tells me to sit down. Then she takes some bottles out of the cupboards filled with strange coloured stuff. "Drink this" she orders thrusting me a bottle. I look curiously at the contents of the bottle. It really doesn't look drinkable...

"DRINK IT" she screeches, yanking the bottle out if my hands and tipping the stuff into my already open mouth.

I gag as the stuff trickles down my throat and into my stomach. But as it does so I find my vision clearing and my head stops throbbing.

"Thank you" I mumble gratefully but the lady ignores me. She is staring at me intently.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Take your top off" she says, dabbing some stuff on a Cotton bud.

My face flushes bright red. "Wh-what?" I stammer wondering if u heard right. The lady's face immediately changes to anger.

"I SAID TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF" she yells yanking my top up and over my head. I gasp as I look down at my bare stomach. There is a huge cut right across the middle continuing around my hips. How could I've not noticed this before?

The lady pushes me so that I'm lying on the bed before she starts dabbing the stuff on the cut. I stifle a scream as the cut starts stinging. The lady immediately stops. "That wasn't supposed to happen" she mumbles and hurries over to a cupboard. I look down at my stomach and the cut has now expanded. "AGGGHHH" I scream again scrambling to the back off the bed.

The lady rushes over "it'll be alright" she reassures me. I look back at the cut and while I'm looking at it I see a marking just under the strap of my bra. Curiously I lift the strap up and see a dark blue design.

"What is this" I ask to no one in particular. The lady leaned closer to see what I'm talking about. "Is it a tattoo?" I ask. She continues looking at it more crinkles appearing in her forehead. "Where did I get it? Does it do any-" the lady cuts me off by screaming


I shut my mouth quickly muttering "sorry" as I do so. The marking is like some sort of stick/wand going through a pair of wings.

She peers at the mark again. "It appears you have already joined a guild, but I've never seen this marking before. I know all of the guilds symbols but his one...." She trails off. "I'll call the master and see what to do with you."

I am pushed back onto the bed and fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up to voices talking next to me."I've never seen that guild marking in my life" the lady exclaims.

"Hmmm, that is strange" an old man's voice replies. "I will consult the council to see what they think but in the meantime I'll take her to Fairy Tail."

Council? What is the council? And Fairy Tail? I think I've heard that name somewhere but I can't place where. I sit il slowly and the lady and the man turn to face me. "Looks like she's awake" the old man grunts, inspecting me. I gawk at him. The old man is as little as can be, wearing a blue and orange joker hat, jacket and pants. Under his jacket there is a white top with a design on it. I look closer and it appears to be some sort of figure. A fairy?

He had a grey moustache and beard hanging from his face.

"What's your name?" He asks his face serious.

"A-Alyssa" I stammer.

"And you don't remember anything about your past?"

Wait how does he know that? I didn't tell anyone that. "That's right" I reply nodding my head in bewilderment.

Then he does something I'd never thought an old man would do. He grins at me showing his teeth and does the peace sign. "Pleased to meet you Alyssa, my name is the Master and you'll be joining my guild for the time being."


Hiya guys! i hope you liked the first chapter of my fanfic. it might take a while for me to update the chapters but i will work on is as much as i can!

thanks and goodbye ♥♥

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