Low Down Dirty

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David POV
"Hurry up Keisha damn." I semi yelled as she finished sucking me off.

"Boy you ain't bout to rush me I don't give a damn if yo kids walked through that door right now and seen me naked I'm single I do what I want but you not so you should have never called me over here." Keisha said annoyed.

"Yeah Yeah Yeah just hurry the fuck up." I said

Tylah POV
We just got in the drive way and I seen my sister Tisha mom car here. What she doing here I thought to myself maybe she just dropping of Tisha I hoped.

"What the fuck oh hell nawl bitch if you don't get yo mouse looking ass up off my mama couch and put some clothes on this ain't yo damn house and David you got some nerve to have her in my mama  house in the first place and then you fucked this bitch on the couch that we all sit on that's disrespectful as fuck just wait until my mama get home you saggy balls bitch." Kylah snapped and went to the room. All I could do was shake my head..
"Where Tisha at?" I asked them.
"In the room." That's a shame they fucked with a 8 year old in the house.

Tashanti POV
Today been one hell of a day a bitch tired and ready to go get in the bed. Soon as I walked through the door I smelt ass and fish.

"What the hell, Who been fucking in my house?" I yelled

"Maybe you should ask dad." Kylah said pissed

"David, Im going to ask you one time and one time only have you been fucking in my house as in the house YOU live in and the place that your KIDS lay at every night." I asked him

"Yeah bu-"

I cut him off with a punch to his jaw.
"Nigga you got some damn nerve to be fucking some stink ass broad who got my whole mother fucking house stink which you didn't even try to get rid of this fishy ass smell..Get the fuck out." I said

"No" he barked

"Look we both grown and this my house I'm not about to play no games with yo overly grown ass get the fuck out David." I replied calm.

"I said no bitch" He said getting into my face.

"Hit me..Hit me right here in front of these kids and yo ass is going to jail again I thought you was over ya lil childish stages but I see you ain't so I want you to hit me and see won't I stab yo ass then call the police." I said

"I wish yo pussy ass would hit my mama in front of me ole jalapeño looking head ass motherfucker." Kylah said

"Stay out of this Kylah" I said to her 
Next thing I know his David was on the ground bleeding...

Tylah POV
"Im sorry mama.. I had to do it" I said with the knife in my hand. I couldn't stand there no longer and take that shit from him growing up I saw him physically and verbally abuse my mama and I finally did something about it
I looked outside and saw the police

My mama said "Wait hold up who called the police?"

"TISHA!" I said

"What the fuck I didn't even know she was here look y'all go in the room with Tisha and make sure she don't come out and I will take all the blame for this."

"Open up its the police." They demanded

"The police department of Cobb County got a  call from a little girl saying her father had gotten into a fight with a woman and he was stabbed by his daughter if this is true ma'am everyone will be taken into questioning." They went on and talked

Kylah POV
"Look Tisha we most likely about to be taken in into questioning because yo dumb ass decided to call the police. This is the story dad got in a argument with your sisters mama and then it got intense because daddy hit her and she was protecting herself and stabbed him. Good,got it ok. If you don't say that I'm telling ya mama you gay as in you like girls." I said telling lies
*3 hours later*
We was all done getting questioned. Of course my dad was arrested and my mom could have been arrested too for doing all of that in front of kids but we said  she was defending herself when it really was Tylah that stabbed him.

Tisha POV
I know them my sisters and all but they got another thing coming if they think I'm going to let them lie on my dad and get away with it as soon as my mom come pick me up I'm telling her the whole true story.

CLIFFHANGER! What y'all think gone happen next?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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