- Chapter 21

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Ashley's P.O.V.

In that moment, I could feel his hot breath on my lips, tickling all my senses, muscles of his chest pressed tight against me, his arms wrapped around my waist, making me so safe and protected...and his eyes, I was able to see his pupils, eventhough we were in the dark club. That's how close we were. 

But suddenly, someone pushed me hard against Aiden, so our foreheads collided and pain pulsed through my head, making me blind for a second. Uh, that was totally uncalled for. I rubbed the spot where his head met mine and assumed that a ugly, purple bruise would start to form very soon.

''Did I hurt you?''-he asked me concerned, checking if I was okay. I shook my head and turned around to see who had just ruined my perfect moment. The boy, clearly drunk, stared at us with blazing eyes for a moment, smiled stupidly and continued to sway through the crowd. How many idiots can try to ruin this night? I was beyond annoyed.

I glanced at Aiden, a little worried of what I could find on his face. He didn't let me see his emotions, instead, he gripped my hand and twirled me around, making my head a bit dizzy. I decided to enjoy this night to the fullest, despite all irritating interruptions.

                                                       * *********************** *

Thanks God it was weekend. I wanted nothing else than to sleep and sleep and sleep. But, unfortunately, someone's loud knocking woke me up. Rudely, I have to add. The door opened and Aiden walked in, in all his glory. Bunch of memories from last night flooded my mind and I blushed.

"What do you want this early?''- I groaned, pulling covers over my body. He furred his brows at me like I was mentally challenged.

''It's past noon, so your Mom sent me to wake you up. Good girls don't oversleep.'' Aiden mocked. So, he's back to his old, arrogant self? Two can play that game.

''Yeah, and bad boys usually are very disobedient.'' He looked thoughtful. A question popped in my head. "Aiden, can I ask you something? But I want truthful answer!"I warned him, not in the mood for his silly remarks.

"I believe you've already had. Go on, please.'' I could see devouring curiosity in his eyes. He cocked his head slightly, waiting for my big question. I straightened myself, looking for the best way to form my question.

"Why have you changed so much?'' There goes my subtlety. " I mean, I talked to Jonathan earlier and he told me some really unbelievable things about your behavior. And now, you're not that boy anymore.''

''Why do you think I've changed? I really am interested in hearing your opinion.'' He was challenging me, I could see it in his eyes. His crystal blue eyes.

"I don't know.''I shrugged. ''You tell me. You don't drink that much, I've never seen you smoking, your grades are improving. What's the reason?'' The more I was thinking about it, the more I wanted to find out. For a fracture of second I thought he would turn around and leave. But he didn't.

He cleared his throat and said. "Yeah, there's a reason.''

My mouth fell open. Here I am, expecting some big explanation, just to be answered with one simple sentence that doesn't say much. He chuckled, making himself comfortable on my bed. Thanks God it was big enough for both of us, but I could feel my feet touching his left hip.

''Are you willing to do anything it takes to find out?'' Aiden wiggled with I guess all kind of perverted thoughts in his head. Again with the blush. I was getting kind of annoyed how often I got red cheeks in his company.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. ''Just tell me already.'' Losing my temper- another privilege of hanging out with him. Lovely.

''Just don't cry.'' He joked.' 'When my Mom died I kind of lost every touch with reality. It's like I had been in some parallel universe where everything was permitted. I guess I was wrong. But when I came here, that somehow changed. I met this person that made every single thing okay.''

Person? Who was that person? I desperately wanted to know.

"Tell me." I put everything in those two small words. He instantly realized what I meant. Aiden tried to stop big grin forming on his lips, but I saw through that easily.

"You know it's you, Ash. You make me better person. I don't know how your goodness passed on me, but it did. Simply as that."

My insides started happy dance, along with crazy butterflies. Warm feeling spread from my head to toes, making me a bit dizzy. I couldn't and didn't want to hide my smile. His own matched mine, sending me in heaven.

''I thought bad boys didin't do cheesy lines."

''What can I say, stereotypes are bad.''

Yes, Mom...Arrogant step-brother is totally fine! -hint the sarcasm-Where stories live. Discover now