~Chapter Thirteen~

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~Julia's P.O.V~

It's been two months since (y/n) had been declared 'Dead.'

Two months since I started dating Budo.

Two months since Budo was never the same.

Ever since (y/n) had been declared dead, Budo hasn't been enthusiastic about anything.

Even martial arts.

As much as I love Budo, I hate to see him like this.

I can't stand it!

I'm going to have to tell him about what Info-Chan's done.

What I've done.

Even if it breaks our bond.

It'll be worth it.

I then walked up to Budo, who was sitting on a bench, just starring at his bento.

"Budo... We need to talk..."

Budo didn't move.

"What is it?"


Where to start!?

"... (y/n)'s alive."

Budo finally looked up at me, surprise visible in his eyes.

"Why would you say that!? She's-"

"Alive, in Info-Chan's house. I would know... I helped set everything up..."

The shock was replaced with rage.

For a second, I felt scared.

"You mean... YOU HELPED GET RID OF (Y/N)!?"

"... Yes..."

Budo's rage was then swapped out with joy.

"I can't believe it... (y/n)... My (y/n)... She's alive!"

I saw Budo give the largest smile I had ever seen.

"You have to take me there, now!"

I nodded.

"I'll have my driver come and get me."

I then pulled out my phone, and, called my driver.

I'll make you happy, Budo.

Because... I love you...

~Info-Chan's P.O.V~

I can't believe that little bitch snitched on me! I gave her everything she wanted. And, how does she return the favor? By trying to ruin my love life!

I turned, and, grabbed my ticket to making Julia pay...

... With her life... 

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

~Don't You Trust Me?: Budo Masuta X Reader (Book Two!)~Where stories live. Discover now