Mrs. Kimball

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"Wait so you're telling me that you two are elated and that Gar asked you to prom?" This day is just getting more crazy every minute.
"Wait. Sammy did you say I asked Emma to prom?"
"Maybe.." I can tell that Sammy is embarrassed because he got caught.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Gar hits Sammy lightly on the shoulder to show he is insulted but. Not to the point of true anger. "So Kaeden I did not ask Emma to prom. We learned about us being cousins like right after you left."
Ugh. I am so confused. What am I going to do. My best friend is related to the girl I have a crush on this is going to get awkward really fast. Not one of us can think of anything to say so we just sit down and eat our food in complete silence.
That's the bell. It's time for fifth period.
"Well we should probably go," Sammy says a few minutes after the tardy bell rings.
"Crap yeah. I need to go. This is be second time today I have been tardy." I can see the nervousness in Emma's face. "Do you guys know where Mrs. Kimball's room is?"
"Yes," I say, "I actually have that class next as well. Just walk with me." Wow I already have so many classes with Emma. I get to see her so much.
"Why are you smiling so big?" Emma asks this and I realize my daydreaming has shown through a big smile.
"Oh I'm just happy I have classes with a friend." I say while smiling.
"Kaeden you know I like you right? You're like the only person that's ever been nice to me since my first day."
"Yes. And I wanted to say thank you."
"You are most certainly welcome because I love being nice to new people," I really hope I don't sound crazy because I want us to stay friends.
She smiles and we walk into class.
"Well well well. Look who finally decided to show up," Mrs. Kimball is trying to make fun of me. "Oh and look he decided to bring a friend. What's your name?"
Emma looks a little frightened. I wouldn't have taken her to get afraid of teachers, but perhaps I am wrong.
"Oh I'm Emma Schmidt. I am new here." She sounds so calm now.
"Well it's nice to meet you. Now if you two would take a seat so I could get back to teaching, that would be nice."
I motion to have Emma follow me and we sit in the back row next to each other. We sit quietly and just take notes about the human anatomy and how babies are made.
During the next forty-five minutes of her lecture Emma and I are quietly passing notes back and forth of the weird things that Mrs. Kimball does while writing on the whiteboard.
The should mean that we can leave for the next class, but with Kimball it doesn't mean anything. She doesn't let us leave until she gives us permission or she will give us detention.
"And that boys and girls is in detail how each one of you was created. Now get out. I don't want to see any of you again today."
As we walk out of class Emma says,"Well. That was quite a lesson wasn't it?"
"Well yeah, I mean if you want to learn about stuff we have known our entire lives."
"You really don't like school do you?"
"What makes you say that?" I hope I don't sound defensive while saying this because I don't want it to.
"No need to sound defensive," dammit. I failed, "But it just seems like you only like your electives and like math."
"Well I guess that's true. I just like the good teachers more than the classes."
"Well I guess that makes sense. A good teacher does help." That is the end of that little conversation and I can tell that she wants to continue talking but just can't think of things to say because she keeps opening an closing her mouth.
"Well I have to go to choir. I will see you after school?" Dang choir? She is full of hidden talents.
"Yeah. Just meet me in the lunch room." I smile at her and she waves at me. We head in our opposite directions and go on with our day.
I can't wait to see her after school.

Emma Lee Schmidtحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن