Chapter 1

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I yawned, a hand over my mouth as I opened up the door to the apartment. It was only 2 pm and I was already feeling dead on my feet... but I guess that's not much of a surprise when I've been up since yesterday morning working on a murder investigation. I couldn't get the terrible images of that man out of my head. He had bite marks all over his body.

With my past my mind kept reverting to one thing, and that was werewolves, but that's impossible. I hadn't caught wind of anything werewolf related since I'd moved to New York five years ago.

I sighed as I threw my keys in the dish by the door and made my way into the small kitchen. The sight of all the dishes in the sink didn't surprise me, both Max and I are never in the mood to do them. I smiled when I caught sight of a small box with blue wrapping and a silver bow, with a small note beside it. I walked over picking the note up in my hands.


I'm sorry you had to work all day on your birthday, I know you were really looking forward to the beach, but I guess your job is really important. I wanted to be here when you got home but one of my patients called me in a panic. I promise I'll make it up to you when I get home. In the mean time, I thought this might help cheer you up a bit. Happy 23rd. I love you.


I pressed the note to my lips, I could always count on Max to make my day a little bit brighter. My eyes trailed to the blue box he'd left on the counter, my hands slowly sliding it toward me, already fiddling with the wrapping. When I finally revealed what was under the wrapping, I laughed.

"Cheez itz, I love you" I whispered to myself as I imagined his cheeky grin when he bought these. And they were white cheddar, he really did know me.

I held the box in my hands as I made my way down the hallway, my steps faltering at the pale pink door that was slightly opened. I never could quite make it past this door without having a sinking feeling in my heart. Layla.

"Layla" I gasped, as I caught sight of the green paint seeping into the white carpet of her bedroom "Oh, dear." The small blonde two year old sat in the middle of the mess, green covering her small chubby toddler hands.

"I made gwass" she cheered, throwing her hands in the air, causing more paint to go flying. I couldn't help but smile at my little girl, despite the fact that it was going to take forever to clean this all up. I walked over, scooping her up in my arms, accepting my fate as she smeared green paint on my neck.

"I made you a neckwace daddy" she giggled.

"Yes, you did make me a necklace didn't you sweet pea" I smiled, unable to be upset with her "but what did daddy and I say about your finger paint?"

"I remember saying that we shouldn't store it in her room" I heard his voice before I spun around to see his amused smirk.

"Daddy!" she cheered at Max, bouncing up and down in my arms.

"Come here baby girl" he smiled, holding his arms out and I happily handed her over.

"You know, to be fair, I didn't know she could reach the window sill" I argued jokingly and he just leaned towards me.

"You know, she's only two and she's already got you wrapped around her little finger" he smiled, giving me a small kiss on the lips as Layla tugged at the ends of his messy hair.

"Oh yeah? Says Mr. sure you can have another cookie sweetie" I grinned and he just laughed.

"Come on, I'll give the little mess maker a bath while you find a way to get the 'grass' out of our carpet" he offered before turning around. I just watched as him and Layla retreated to the bathroom, her curls bobbing up and down as they went.

"Stiles, are you home?" I heard his voice, snapping me out of my memories. I quickly hurried away from the room, making my way back to the front door.

"Hey there hot stuff" I smiled, making my way over to him "how was your session with that patient?"

"I helped him work through some stuff" he offered briefly, not able to go into detail about his therapy sessions, which I completely understood "look, I would've stayed home but he sounded really desperate."

"Hey, it's fine. I understand" I assured him "you've got a warm heart. I respect all the work you do with your patients."

"Well I'm glad" he grinned at me as I ran my hands down his arm, stopping when I heard him wince as I touched his wrist.

"What's wrong?"I asked concerned, gently trying to pull at his sleeve.

"It's nothing, I promise" he offered as I finally got his sleeve out of the way revealing a big white bandage around his wrist "One of the patients in the lobby had an episode and bit me. It didn't go very deep."

"Bit you?" I tensed, my voice on edge. With my experience with werewolves, a bite was never just a bite... but Max didn't know about all that. He had no way to understand why such strong worry broke in my eyes at hearing that he was bitten.

"Stiles, he's a schizophrenic who had a moment of confusion" he offered "he's not someone to worry about, he's probably going to be in the institution for the rest of his life as sad as it is. His family all cut contact with him when he was diagnosed 3 years ago.

"He's a patient at Aether Sanitorium?" I quizzed, all the worry suddenly leaving my body. There was no way he was a werewolf if he was locked up, because people would've quickly found out after the first full moon.

"Yeah... Stiles are you okay?" he quizzed.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I assured him, giving him a small kiss on the cheek "how about we get some take out and watch a movie here tonight."

"Of course, anything you want. You're the birthday boy" he smiled.

"All I want is you" I whispered "as long as I have you, my birthday will be perfect." I hugged him tight to my body.

"I love you Stiles" He whispered into my hair.

"I love you too" I murmured into his chest.


Hey guys, this is a new story that I wanted to try. I know I have more stories out than I could keep up with right now and I should finish the others first haha, but I couldn't seem to get this one out of my head. I really hope you all enjoy and I'll try and get all of my stories updated very soon. Thank you all for your patience.

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