drives and concerts.

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a/n   hey guys! i'm so sorry i haven't been around, life's been a bit hectic but i can always escape here. i don't know if i have gave daisy a last name so i have gave her one now! please correct me if i'm wrong, thanks! this one isn't very good, sorry, tbh none of them are in my eyes but ugh. i love you all 💛

*Calling Savannah Greye*

"Hey Daisy!" Savannah squeaked across the phone.

"Hello Sunshine." I giggled. 

"Haha, what's up?" Savannah asked, her beautiful smile shining through the phone.

"I was just wondering if you want to do something today? I know we've hung out a lot so I understand if you're bored of me." I babbled on. 

"And why would I be bored of you, Daisy Parker?"  Savannah teased.

"Oh I don't know...I'm just a bit bored of you that's all." I teased back.

"Well you asked, have a nice day...on your own." She giggled at the end.

"See you then." I laughed. We both went silent for a few minutes, but it was nice just to feel her still there next to me but not actually next to me.

"Don't suppose you wanna hang out today Sav?" I said like nothing had happened.

"Oh well I would love to! Why didn't you ask." Savannah continued the joke. 

"Alright, I will walk to your house?" I questioned.

"I can pick you up, but Daisy, would you actually be bored of me?" Savannah seemed genuine.

"Never." I replied.

Savannah was going to pick me up in a few minutes at the end of the road so I got showered and put an outfit on. I put on a pale yellow, slightly creased belly top, a black skater skirt and yellow converses. I walked down to the end of my isolated road and waited with my blue backpack that I put loads of pins on. Savannah rolled up with her roof down and arm hanging over the side.

"Well hello, Miss Look at me." I mimicked a snobby girl.

"Hey hey, no ride to, Miss Jealous." Savannah locked the car.

"Hmm clever trick young one." With that I jumped over the door but accidentally left my legs hanging over and my body in. Savannah began to back out slowly.

"Savannah!" I screamed in mid laugh. "STOP RIGHT NOW MISSY, HELP ME!" I cried with laughter. 

"Nah, I think this deserves a snapchat." Savannah teased more.

"I swear when I get out I will kill everyone of your bones. You won't even live to post!" I shouted while Savannah was in fits of laughter and filming. She finally stopped the car and helped me get in, we were both dying of laughter.

"Right shall we begin our adventure?" Savannah said through wiping her tears.

"I think we shall, where do you want to go by the way?" I asked.

"Um, I don't know. Have you got anything in mind?" Savannah said.

"Well, I was thinking, I heard there was a concert just a small one about an hour away, but I get if you don't wanna go." I suggested.

"Omg yes! What kinda songs?" Savannah asked more.

"Well, ya know. Just some usual but The 1975 covers they will sing!" I squeaked.

"Oh my god, I hope they sound like them, yes yes yes!" Savannah squeaked too. "Right direct me, my mistress!". We laughed. I put on our playlist with all our favourite songs we chose. Shura 'what's it gonna be' came on and we sung through the whistling wind blowing through the strands of our hair. After the fun ride we finally got there just before the concert started. It was like a fair becuase it was live music in a massive field with fun rides and stalls. 

"Okay, grab us a good spot with the blanket and i'll be back in a moment." I told Savannah. I went over to the slushi and candyfloss stall and got us both massive slushi's and a big ball of cotton candy to share. 

"Woah! We're gonna have a sugar rush." Savannah laughed.

"Hahah, I can get us some real food if you want." I giggled.

"This is perfect, but yes after, then we can hit the boo's." Savannah teased.

"Hah. I can but you have to drive." I stuck out my tongue.

"Well when we get back then, we can stop by the blue moolit place another time." I loved how she knew I called it that. I smiled at her and she smiled back, I realised I was just staring at her so I blushed and sat down. The show began to start and they announced the first song they were going to sing was 'Little Talks' by Of Monsters and Men.

"Oh my god, I love this song!" I shouted over to Sav.

"No way, same! It's like one of my favourite!" She replied smiling, ugh fuck. That smile just made my heart flutter uncontrollably it was cringy. We sang a long dancing with our slushi's, everyone probably thought we were insane. A lady came round handing out homemade flower crowns that were absolutely gorgeous so of course I got us two and wore them. The sun was starting to set and they had done a lot of songs including our favourites of The 1975. We flopped down on our blanket after tiredness overtook our bones. 

"Thank you for this, Daisy." Savannah said.

"Thank you, Sav." I replied. Time passed and we stayed right till the end when everyone was packing up.

"Shall we get out of here? Just I don't know go for a walk or something." Savannah suggested.

"Fuck yes!" I squeaked. We packed our things and put them in the car and strolled down the quiet village road. The birds were tweeting and the warm summer air overtook the sky. Our hands brushed but never held, it was so peaceful and relaxing just to be with Savannah. We finally hit the dark and decided to head home. I was nearly falling asleep when I got home and I didn't even realise where I was till Savannah woke me up trying to get me out the car. 

"What the. Savannah? What are you doing?" I woke up and stood up.

"Sorry it's just you where asleep and I couldn't carry you, I didn't mean to wake you, sorry." Savannah apologised.

"Sav, it's fine, thanks for taking me or shall I say dragging me." I teased laughing.

"I was gonna put you in my house seeing as you were asleep but I didn't know how to carry you." She laughed, "so do you still wanna stay the night?" Savannah nervously asked.

"Uh, yeah sure. I-If that's okay, thank you." I stuttered and rubbed my eyes.

"Come on, you look half asleep." Savannah joked.

"I think I am." I giggled. She handed me some clothes to put on. I was so tired as soon as I got them on I fell on her bed and closed my eyes.

The next thing I remember was someone pushing me and tucking me in and a person slipping in bed behind me.


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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