Beach Time With The Firm | T. Jefferson

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Okay this was requested by GirIipIier and I hope y'all enjoy this! Now onwards *jumps on a chariot and starts flying* YEAH! THAT WAS THE BEST IDEA TO STEAL APOLLO'S CHARIOT!!!

Y/n's POV~

I walk into my firm thinking it was going to be a regular day, but Washington had some news.

"Since our firm has won all our court battles so far, I've decided to give you all a payed vacation."

"YEAH! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SINCE I JOINED THE FIRM!!!" I yelled not realizing what type of "vacation" he was talking about.

"Y/n, be patient I'm not finished yet. We are all going to the beach together for this payed vacation!" Some people moan but some were actually excited for this. Well not me! But Thomas being who he is, asked when was the payed vacation.

"RIGHT NOW! SO YALL GET YOUR BATHING SUITS AND RUN TO THE BEACH!!! Then total madness erupted in the firm, ladies dropping their heels to run, men loosing their ties, and everyone just running out of the place. I don't know why but I started to run to my car too.


I exit my car to the beach and go to the changing stall and put on my bathing suit (I don't know what type of bathing suit, so y'all use your imagination💫) I walk out and I see everyone in my firm already in the water or sun bathing. I decide to hit the water, but I was going to take my time and walk, well I did a pretty slow trudge and I made it to the edge till I felt a pair of hands on my back pushing me into the water.

"OH MY GOSH! SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE!!!!!" I rise out of the water to see Alexander smirking.

"Boy, you're dead." I say as I push him away and he splashes me in the face with water.

"Alexander! Stop!" I'd say in between laughs, and again I'm underwater.

"What the heck?!?!" I say as I realize that it wasn't Alexander, but Thomas Jefferson had pulled me underwater

"Thomas!!!" I scream and I see him in only magenta swim trunks, I redden at the sight. Sorta the reason why I managed to get out of the water because I've sorta had a crush on Thomas, so I feel very awkward with him on a daily basis. I resurface and I sit down with James as I see him in shorts and a sweatshirt reading a book.

"Hey Jemmy." I say as I sit next to him.


"You know, I'm so confused about why you're wearing a sweatshirt in this heat?" I exaggeratedly fanned myself and panted, James chuckled.

"You know you can be so dramatic-" James stops in his tracks and looks up and I look up too and sees Thomas.

"Hey Y/n, hey James. I just came by to see if one of you two would like to join a game, and Y/n you look nice." He said, you look down to your bathing suit. Well yeah it was different than what you'd wear at the firm, but you were so flustered that James answered for you.

"No thanks, Tom. Y/n and I have somethings to talk about, but maybe Y/n will join you later." You just nodded in agreement.

"Alright, than see you soon Y/n!" He said and ran away from the tenseness.

"Y/n, he totally likes you." I softly slap James on the shoulder, I've been friends with Jemmy since high school, but that's crazy of him to say.

"No he doesn't, Jemmy don't mess with me!"

"No, I'm serious. He talks about you nonstop, and I know you like him." He elbows me and I lightly shove him back.

"Jemmy, if you're messing with me, you're dead to me."

"Just go Y/n, and you're not that mean, I won't be dead to you."

"Yes you will be if you're joking." I stood up from sitting next to Jemmy, and walked toward Thomas.

"Hey, Thomas we can play that game now, unless you aren't playing it already."

"Um no I was actually waiting for you so we could start." I blush at the thought of him waiting just for me.

"T-thanks T-thomas-" I was stopped by Thomas pulling me towards the water till I was about waist deep.

"We're going to play Marco Polo!" He shouted, "AND YOU'RE GOING TO BE THE FINDER!!!" He screamed and I grunted and closed my eyes.

"MARCO!" I shout and wait for Thomas' response.

"POLO!" He shouts and I hear him kind of behind me. I try to grasp for him but I end up falling in to the water. Then as I was about get up till I was suddenly out of the water

"WHAT THE?!?!" Then I realize that Thomas had carried me bridal style out of the water.

"THOMAS PUT ME DOWN!!!!" I shouted and he began to throw me in the air.

"You really want me to drop you in the water?" He said as he tossed me in the air, and once we reached the beach he set me down on a towel.

"Y/n needs CPR! I'll give it to her." He shouted and of course you were shocked then he kissed.

"Thomas, I think the point of CPR is to give me air, not knock the wind out of me!!!"

Yeah, so this where I'm leaving to off so thanks for reading my oneshot!

Bai my dreamers 💫


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