I Decare A Dare!

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Alright... This is something I like to call a pen challenge that is where you draw something using ONLY a pen.

Don't matter what colours, shapes, or whatever but it MUST be a pen.

So if you do it, tag me and label it #PenChallenge

Anyway aside from that..!

I is le bored..

I wanna draw something...

And I'm working on a Pikmin comic..

But help.!

"I declare a dare for you to draw..."

And put any Sonic character for me to draw. Except for Big, Cream, Chaos, Wave, Amy, Storm, and any other annoying character. No females


If you'd like to see an OC of my dare that two.

So yeah. Warning I am a procrastinator...

So start you comment with the " " above and dare me!

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