Jotun Form

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*this story takes place during Thor*

Loki had come back from going to Joutunheim with Thor, the warriors three, and Sif, But didn't come to see you like he usually would after travling by Bifrost. He would visit you because he never liked traveling that way.
He hated the way it felt like you were twisting and turning, being pulled apart then put back together again.

You have been looking for him for what seemed like forever. You looked in the gardens, his chambers, the throne room, and finally found him in the infermery (hospital wing), sitting with his mother and the Allfather, that seemed to be sleeping.
He wad surrounded by a golden mist, and then it hit you. He was in the Odinsleep

He looked up. His face became one full of pain, and he looked away.
He got up and walked past, not even looking me in the eye.
I looked at Frigga, and she mouthed talk to him. I nodded and followed him down the large corridor.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~loki POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Loki" a voice from behind me sounded.
I turned. It was Y/N. She is so beautiful. The way her H/L H/C flowed around her as she walked, her hips swaying. Her E/C eyes were always shining brighter than the sun, no matter the situation she was in.
I don't understand how she could love a monster like me.

"Loki!" she yelled pulling me out of my thoughts. I didn't realize I had started jogging. I slowed down to a walk and waited for her to catch up. I looked in her direction amd realized she was running. Before I knew it she jumped into my arms and smashed her lips onto mine. I felt her arms make their way around my neck.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YOUR POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He slowed down, his face looked like I had interupted a deep thought. I ran up to him and his face turned into one of suprise. I jumped into his arms and smashed my lips into his. He smiled into the kiss, causing me to smile. His smile faded, then he pulled away. He looked like her was really debating something.

"Loki, what are you thinking about?"

" Why do you love me Y/N?" I didn't know what to say. I must have been quiet longer than I realized, because he started to look hurt.
"Where do I start? You were the first one to show me actual kindness. You know how to make me happy when I'm sad. You never left my side when I told you my father passed away."
"Do you love me for the way I look?" this question threw me off guard.
"Well.... Of course I do. Why do you ask?"

"I want to show you something, but.... I .....
I don't want you to......" I pressed my lips to his.
"Take your time, we literally have all day."
He smiled at this remark.
"Follow me" He dragged me through the grand, golden corridors of Asgard's palace. He dragged me through a door. Wait a second.... He just dragged me through his chamber door. This must really be important.

I sat on the edge of his bed confused.
"I'm going to show you something, but you have to promise not to scream."
I raised my left hand, then put my right hand over my heart
"I F/N L/ N, promise not to scream at what Loki Laufeyson is about to show me."
He smiled sadly, stood up then closed his eyes. Concentration lined his face.

He suddenly started turning a deep shade of blue. He opened his eyes, but they weren't green, they were  crimson.

"Oh Loki. Is this what you were worried about?"
He looked at his feet, but I lifted his chin so he was looking in my eyes.
"How could something as beautiful as you love something as hideous as me?"
"Loki, you are beautiful. No matter what you look like."
That seemed to have hit a nerve, because next he screamed
"Stop lying to me! How could you love something that is the color of a relm of monsters. Something that has eyes the color of blood!" you looked to be on the verge of tears. His face went from furious to calm and sad when he noticed this.
" Y/N, I'm...." he couldn't finish because you had cut him off.

"Is that how you think of yourself? Your skin is the color of the sky right before dusk, my favorite time of day."
At this point your tears began to overflow with tears "Your eyes are like rubies, they shine so bright. I love you Loki! I always have and always will, I don't care what you look like!"

He smiled with tears in his eyes
" I love you Y/N. I don't deserve someone like you"
He kissed placed his lips on yours, and kissed you with much passion. You pushed him onto his bed, and kissed him again;

You can decide how far you want to go with this. *wink wink*

Hi, Rayne here. Im sorry if this sucked. This is my first Loki fanfiction, and I didn't know what to write about. So I wrote about the part I disagreed with in the movie.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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