A to B

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Note: This is what happened based on what I remember.


I had a 2002 Honda accord. My 2nd car I had. Not counting the 1996 dodge stratus I used to learn how to drive.   The Accord wasn't the best car in the world, but it got me from A to B.  The Accord was mainly the source of my musical joy. I'd buy a new CD, get in the car tear open  the plastic, and put in the CD and enjoy my new purchase. Bands like Dream theater,foo fighters, and  linkin park would get me though the drives I did and didn't want to do. It got me to job interviews, dates and trips to the repair shop.


The accident happened on election  day. The traffic was heavier than usual. The atmosphere felt different. I really didn't care who won that day. Hell,alot people still dont.  People were going at a fast pace. I almost forgot I had a work meeting that morning. I left early and I had plenty of time so I got a ice coffee from McDonald's. I felt ok.


You know that feeling you get when you get put under for surgery? Like you start in the operating room and you wake up in a patient room? The blackness? That's how my thought process was when it happened. I was almost at my work. In fact, I was turning on to the street where where my work is. I had the coffee in my hand right before, which I'll admit in hindsight was a bad move. I saw the line of cars with no spaces to go through. I don't know if I was impatient or I thought I had room when the blue car came but it was definitely the blackness that came over me when it happened.


After it happened, I immediately saw the damage. Both fronts of the cars where smashed in.  I did the only think I could do: I sat on the curb and cried. The police and ambulance quickly came to the scene. I saw the guy who's car I hit. And we didn't say anything during the whole thing. (he was fine thank god) I remembered a lady who wasn't involved come along and claimed she saw the whole thing. No idea if she helped What was  also worth noting was something I overheard."It must be a rush today. There was one already in town." Im not sure who said it. A police officer? An emt? I cant remember. But it was as casual as you can get in an accident. I sat on the curb and tried to explain what happened. " do you have your registration?" A police officer asked. I didn't want to go near my car. Some girl from work came and calmed me down. She suggested I go down to the office and talk there. I agreed. Its funny that after I had a irrational crush on her. It went after thankfully.


I sat in my bosses office and a police officer was there. I sat there, staring at the ground as he rattled off questions. Im glad that I was in the right frame of mind to answer the questions honestly.


I had a hard time processing it after One day I'd accept what happened and be at peace with it. Other days I'd be a wreck and blame myself for it. It was my fault but all the guilt was getting overwhelming. My therapist gave me something to say to myself when I had those thoughts: It was just an accident. And he was right. I had to move on. From A to B.


And so I did. Im a school bus driver and I was lucky enough to use my bus to get around for appointments. But I couldn't wait to get a new car. It felt like when my car was getting fixed. But way different. I looked for cars. My uncle knew a guy(because of course he did)  and I went to car shopping. Didn't find anything but the process has always been interesting to me. All the tricks and ways salesmen use to get you to buy. They are honest on what they have,but never on price. I felt burnt out.


Until I found it. We went to a dealership and he mentioned this one car they had. It was being  painted in a  garage. A little red 2012 Mazda 2. I'm not big on cars, but it was love at first sight. I wanted that car. And after some more sales shenanigans, I finally had it. Now I drive my red car to work more carefully and when I get to that turn I dont think about the accident.  I realize that its possible to get from A to B in more was than one.

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