Chapter 1

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That is a demon
And Yukul is his elk the he rides on.
And I do not own the movie u should know that
Long ago when gods walked the earth, and humans and gods live at peace. And beast walked, with the forest alive. But a time where demons rise.

I jump off of Yukul and walk up the wooden bridge, helping him up. "Come on  Yukul". I few feet away I spot kaya and three other girls. "Kaya, bring your friends to the village the wise woman is calling everyone back. And I have to see what has happen".
"Ashitaka  there's something really wrong". "Plants have been dying"."a lot of the animals are gone"."And the birds to".
"Kaya bring the girls to the village hurry".
I grab one of yukui horns and climb on. We reach the watch tower, I let yukul stand there as I climb on each step, making sure I get up there as fast as I could.
"What is happening".
"Ashitaka Do you see it".
I stand next to the elderly man as we look at the light gray stone wall that's not much lower then my waist. Something flickers in the shadows, as we wait for it to come. I pull a arrow out and place it next to my red colored bow. We wait and the grass around the wall slowly faded. "What is it? The elderly man said. I see little black and purple worms moving in between the light gray stones. I look closer and closer. The stone walls break and a demon appears each step taken from the demon leaving a bloody and black trail behind it.
"YUKUI move. Get out of here". But he didn't, so I shot the stand of the watch tower. As yukul runs away I feel the tower begin to fall, I grab the elderly man and I jump off into the light green colored trees. The demon cuts threw the forest and I could see it going to the village, I get off the tree only breaking a few branches off and run to meet up with yukul. When I reach yukul the demon cut threw the forest. " clam your faery, God or demon please leave us in peace!!! But it kept going we run into a opening, as I try to buy the village some time I look to see it not following me but come straight at kaya and the girls. I get there as fast as I could, as one of the girls trip and Kaya stands with her sword out ready to fight it off. But I grab a arrow and hit it straight in the eye. "KAYA GO". They both Carry the girl who tripped, and I could see that it was a bore God with all of those worms on its back. Yukul continues to run in that direction of the girls I turn back to shoot another arrow at the bore but when I do a trail of worms follow right behind me and grab my right arm. I use all my energy to pull my right arm out. I turn to the left and shoot the bore right in between the eyes. It stops and falls over, I start to fall over yukul but he stops for me to get off.
I hear Kaya shout.
"Are you hurt". I pull grass off the ground with some dirt following it covering my right arm, which kaya helps me.
"Move the wise woman is here".
"Get away from ashitaka and don't touch his arm". Kaya walked up to the wise lady.
"Pour this slowly on his arm". She walked up the the bore bowing down"bore God we will burry you here and pray for you".
" You humans are foolish and dumb there is no need. For you will perish". At his last words his flesh melted with just blood leaking out of the bones of the God.

  That night Ashitaka sat with the men and the wise woman. She threw some rocks around a red triangle and a red pebble with other colored rock.
"It doesn't seem to be right but Ashitaka are you ready to hear your fate"." I was ready when I first shot that arrow"."Ashitaka I would like you the show your right arm please". He lift up his right arm and unwrappedthe cloth, to show purple markings on his arm. When he did all you can hear is the gasps of the men."Ashitaka we found this ball of iron in The the bores body it filled him with hate and it turn him into a demon which killed him in pain. The bore God has put a curse on you, and you will have the same fate as him. there is nothing we can do".
"What are we going to do watch him die in pain".
"We can not mix are fate with his. But there is a village in the west and look threw the eyes of the clouded who cannot see".
A few seconds past as they sit in silence only to hear the old man speak.
"It has been 500 year since the king has wiped are people out in war. We are the emishi people, and everyday we are getting weaker and weaker. Also as the generations past they get weaker to, and now are last prince has to leave. It's like the gods are laughing at us, for are weakness and selfishness".
He turns around to the other side of the mat, and cuts his bun off and leaves it on the table.
"Ashitaka we can not watch you go for you are dead to us now you must go". Ashitaka walks out of the hut and gets Yukul with his red head/mouth cover
With hay to cover his body.

I ride Yukul all the way to the entry only to meet up with Kaya. "Kaya what are you doing here". "I came to give you this". She gently unwrap her fingers around the object she was holding."Kaya I can't take your crystal dagger". "Please ashitaka take it so you won't forget me, I want you to be save". "What are you saying Kaya I will never forget my sister".

I watch as he rides out of the village, "I hope he's ok". But I know nothing will happen.

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