Chapter 2

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Imagine that you where this outfit when you are getting dressed but with a cloth over your mouth
I walk over mountains, threw tall silky green grass. I take off each piece of clothing off, expected my underwear, walking threw the water. I reach a town with a massacre going on. I grab a Arrow and I place it on your bow we come to a group of people that are trying to run away. The samurai hits her pack as she falls over."HEY stop!!!
My right arm starts to move. I don't know what is happening, I shoot my arrow at the man and it cuts off both of his arms. "I'M warning you, let me past! I shoot a man in the head also cutting it off. I past threw the fight with my arm still moving.
(Time skip)
I walk into a forest, I found a little waterfall. Slowly I dip my hand in the clear blue waterfall. I could feel the coolness of the water touching my skin. I pull it out to fine the markings on my arm thinker than before."the markings there getting bigger".

Lady Eboshi
"Hurry up men we need to bring the rice home, quickly now". We clime the mountain to are town, to bring are rice for the meal, each Ox carrying a pack of rice.
"The wolfs are coming,the wolfs are coming!
"STAND YOUR GROUND MEN, and load your weapons".

Lady Eboshis men fired at the wolfs with you and San on each wolf.
" they weren't much of a challenge".
" just wait for the mother".

You/ rin
I wait for mom to hit them on the other side of the mountain.
"When is she coming San".
"Wait she will come just stick to the plan".
I run up the mountain and find her waiting, I clime up her back waiting for the time to come. Mother runs past some of the men making them fall to the river.
The blood splatter on my tan face as we fall down, I close my eyes to wait to feel the cool splash of water or the hard stones that lay closes to the river.

I walk to the river to get a drink of water but only to fine rice bags and dead ox in the river. I look over a few rocks and fine a man with his head in the water, I grab the man and lay him down on a patch of grass and I find another in between three rocks
"Yukul stay here".
I run to the bushes and hide to see what was going on, there on the stones laid a young woman with a God, Hearing the brushes and the trees right behind them comes two others large wolfs that weren't that big as the adult only half of the size of the other. Yet there was a woman on top of one wolf with white stoned earrings brown short hair and white fur on her back. She gets of the wolf and pulls the other person off the ground caring one arm around the other.As she did that, the women being carried had black fur and a white mask with blue crystal earrings ; she slowly turns her head in my direction pointing at my location getting the lady's attention. I Knew that they already found me so I came out.
The woman jumps on one of the wolf and so does the masked lady.
" leave us alone ".

We walk away from that man who wanted to go to iron town that filthy place I hate it but in order to get to that nasty lady eboshi I must go with that man.
" San I need to leave with that man".
"What he is going to that dumb place why would you like to go".
"Well if we want to get lady eboshi then I can go, we know full well that I have to go no one has see my face, and even heard my voice; I could be a spy. And I could dress like a traveler and no one will know".
"Rin you have until nightfall  to try and kill her, if you can not do it I will come and get you, you got it".
" Yes I know".
One of the wolfs ran me to the other side of the river and found some fresh dry human clothes. I put them on a garden hat that I made I put my long black hair in a bun and stuck it in my hat. Next I put on a mask but not the one I have. I have one mask that cover only my eyes, and I have a mouth mask to. I grab a cloth to cover my mouth and I grab more straw and it cover my arms and hips. ( like ashitaka )
"Thank you now you can go back to San and them".
I founded three men wounded on the ground I grab him and try bringing him to the man in blue . I don't even know how close or far he is. And I hate this smell of humans I can't wait to get this over with.
(Time skip)
finally I found the man with two men one on the deer and the other on his back just like mine. The man on the deer saw me follow behind.
" HELLO THEIR STRANGER ARE YOU COMING TO!!! The man on the deer yelled out
I just nodded my head and walk.
I catch up to the man in the blue, and we walk together side by side, as we past a few tree that I remember.
" T..thank you traveler f..for helping".
I just nod in response
The little forest spirits walk and dance around are feet as one leads us the way. We are close to their mother. We get to this big beautiful bright green tree with dragonflies everywhere. I love this tree even more every time I past it.
" You have a beautiful mother" said ashitaka.
And all the white spirits walk into the big tree sitting and we are left with the forest the home I live in.  We slowly walk to find wolf paw prints that were not made so long ago which I know that they came back safely. I put down the human and walked to look at the beautiful clear water, and sense something powerful and a yellow light glows. The forest spirit. The mans arm started to move and he quickly shoved his hand in the water and squeezed it. I rushed to him to find out what just happened. And his arm went back to normal. He walks up to me with a red bowl and hands and handed it to me, looking me straight in the eyes. His eyes were so beautiful they looked like the moon and I began to turn red under my mask.
" please give some water to each person here and you can take a drink yourself if your thirsty". 
After I was done with his bowl I gave it to him, and he ask for my name.
" I am Rin, and yours".
"Ashitaka, I have come to the west to see through eyes that have been clouded, have you ever seen this black orb before".
Ashitaka takes out a black orb that I have seen before it was found in 10 bores that die, I'm so surprised that it went that far. "Have you seen the iron orb"
"No I haven't, but I think I have seen It some where"I lied,my mission is not to get mixed with him I need to get my head in the straight
" Thank you very much for answering".
"And may I ask you why you want to know what it is?
"This black orb was found in a bore that has cursed my arm". he unraveled the red cloth from his hands to show me the purple black marks that ran down his arm. "And soon it will spread around my body and my heart and I will die".
I looked at him in sorrow and got up picked up the man that was unconscious and began to walk to the iron village, he refolded the red cloth around his arm and began to to the village with me.

We eventually got there with people yelling at us in surprised. The man on the deer kept yelling "HEY ITS ME KOUROKU" and that's when the commotion happened every surrounding us it was very overwhelming and bothersome to see so many humans I'm starting to smell like one. I give each person who was injured to ashitaka so he can put them in the boat, he gets on the boat first and takes out his hand." Take my hand and let's go across together" he said. I then again blush by his comment and slowly my hand reaches his warm hands and I get on the boat, I really do care for him, he is the only human that I don't hate but I don't like him either.

There is a huge swarm of people that come to look at us in amazement because we came out of the forest alive, with 5 people. I then see the most horrible looking man wearing a black and blue Komodo with soilders not far away from the man. I take another look at that nasty looking man, and my eyes widen I found him the man that helped kill this forest. I my hand starts to pull my sword, but I try to stop but something is making me move my arm and hand. I try to stop my hand, but it keeps on moving.
"How are you sure we can trust these people? The guy in the black and blue Komodo questioned.
My arm and hand throws the sword  across almost hitting his face and in the deepest voice I could go I said.
"How dare you question are authority, we could have just killed these 5 men yet we saved them".
He was so frightened, and the girls started to laugh at how I scared him. 

(Time skip some of the talking)

A girl wearing an orange Komodo walks closer to us and look right at me and ashitaka and says
"thank you strangers for saving my husband" and gave us a warm smile. Ashitaka took off his mask and answers with a
"your Welcome".
"Hey your not handsome your beautiful" she looks at me and you wants to know if I can take off my mask. I'm not sure because what if the know who I am, but not wanting to start a suspension I slowly take off my mask, and all the guys shout in aw.
"Wow who knew that it was a girl"
"She's so pretty".
"Should I ask her hand in marriage"
Your a girl? The woman asked me.
I just nodded and put on a warm smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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