Forget​ Me Not

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Sorry for not updating for a while but I finally got an idea, not the best but at least it's something right?

Using Person A and Person B

Person A and Person B were outside talking about school, their plans for summer, and the dance. "I'm not going to summer school this time! Can you believe it?" Person A asks with excitement in their voice, they often go to summer school so they aren't entirely free during the summer, except for this one.

  Person B smiled, they were going to move in August, during the summer to England. They haven't told Person A yet so they're glad they'll be able to spend more time with Person A during the summer. "That's awesome, studying payed off!" Person B said grinning this time.

  They've been friends since kindergarten, they're in middle school now and made it past all of the obstacles, they always found a way to just dodge it or solve it. There was no dodging or solving this one though.

  Person B liked Person A for awhile and decided that they'd ask Person A to the upcoming dance, hopefully they'll say yes, then after the dance they'll go to a pizza place and Person B would tell them there. Person B cleared their throat, "So, the dance is  coming up soon." Person B said.

  "Yep, but I don't have a date yet! Time is running out, you can't go alone. Well you can but it would be cliche if someone noticed you and ditched their date to dance with you," Person A started rambling on and on about cliche things that happens at dances and Person B wasn't really listening​ until they heard Person A suggest, "We could go together, as friends."

  Person B saw this as their chance, "Yeah I was thinking we could go together too, but not as friends," they said.

   Person A was confused, there was no way that Person B liked them. "As best friends?" Person A asked, and when Person B sighed they started to get hope. "I mean, be my date in a romantic way!" They blurted out.

  Person B's face turned red and they both stared at each other for awhile until Person A finally started to grin and nodded their head.

   It was the night of the dance and Person B put on their best attire for the occasion, they'd be picking Person A up since they're the one that asked. They smoothed out what they were wearing one last time before leaving to pick up Person A.

  Person A was waiting outside grinning like a fool. They nearly jumped when Person B pulled into their driveway. This was a dream come true for Person A, they watched as Person B got out of the car with a bag. Person B walked up to Person A and took a deep breath in.

   Person B smiled at Person A and took a moment to look at how Person A looked. "You look really amazing," Person B complimented "thanks, you too," Person A said. "I got you books," Person B said holding up the bag, Person A was allergic to flowers and didn't like chocolate but did love books. "Thanks," Person A said taking the bag then opening the door to place the bag behind it.
Person A and Person B had a great time at the dance, they danced, slow danced, one of them sang their heart out to some of the songs, and they ate and drank the punch. When the dance was starting to end Person A noticed that Person B started to get more down and nervous. "Hey, you okay?" Person A asked as Person B fumbled with the car keys, "Yeah, yeah.. I just don't want this night to end, y'know?" Person B asked finally getting the key. Person A smiled "Yeah, I don't want it to end either."

   Person B unlocked the car doors and opened Person A's, Person A rolled their eyes as they got in the car "cliche, but kind." Person A said. Person B shook their head smiling and closed the door before getting into the driver's seat and driving to the pizza restaurant.

  When they got there and got in a booth person B couldn't stop staring at Person A as they were ordering, adoring everything about them, wishing their relationship could last longer. Person A noticed and smiled a goofy smile "stop being Cliche by staring at me!" "That's impossible, you're just so amazing." Person A held Person B's hand under the table.

   Person A was eating their pizza when Person B decide to tell them the news. "So, I'm moving to England this summer, what about you?" Person B asked trying to sound casual.

  Person A ate the rest of their pizza processing the information while Person B sat there awkwardly. "So, you're leaving the U.S?" Person A finally asked, Person B only nodded. "I'm sorry, it's not up to me. I don't want our relationship to end so soon," Person B said looking down. Person A furrowed their eyebrows at what they said "end? It doesn't have to end, we can try long distance and your parents are rich, you could fly here to visit!" Person A shouted as they took Person B's hand.

Person B smiled and Person A smiled back​.
    Fast forward to the day that Person B is leaving.

   "Call me when you get on the plane," "I will." "Call me when you land too!" "I will." "Don't forget to call me when you get to your new home!" "Name," Person B said smiling "I'll be okay," they said pecking Person A's cheek. "Promise?" "Promise." "One last thing," Person A said. "What?" "Never forget me?" Person B hugged Person A tightly, "I can never forget you, I love you! Don't you ever forget me!" Person B said. Person A kissed them "not in a million years."

   "We're experiencing some troubles with the weather folks, flight landing may be delayed, do not worry however." Person B heard over the intercom, they hoped they wouldn't crash.
    Two years later! Because it's about time we get to the sad part!

   Person B was on a plane to America, they heard that Person A was in an accident and they wanted to get there asap.

   When Person B got there and into Person A's room they rushed by their side. "Babe? Oh my God, are you ok!? What happened?"

    Person A made a face and moved away a bit from the unfamiliar face "I'm not your babe. Who are you?"

  Person B's eyes widened, no, no, no, no, no. This wasn't happening, "Ba- name, it's me, we're dating!" "You look like a snobby rich person, why would I date a person like you?" Person A's words were like many knives to the heart. Person B couldn't believe it, they forgotten them.
   Person B ended up in a coma from an accident and died. Person A remembered them but it was too late.

Sorry for the rushed ending.

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