Let You In

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How things have changed in just a few short weeks. It was a sunlit day of early spring, and the sky held a soft blue glow. Spring Break was finally here and Riley walked barefoot on the weed filled front lawn, looking for wild flowers she loved. She was never much of a rose person, not that she didn't appreciate its beauty, it's just that she was more in love with meadow flowers, with forget-me-nots and buttercups. The flowers people often overlooked due to the hype of the rose.

The scratchy green grass was warm under her bare feet and she was glad to be free of the confines of her running shoes. Who needed to run when walking felt so blissful? She stopped and closed her eyes so she could capture the moment of the sunlight on her skin. It was like a kiss of summer but without the fiery heat or beads of sweat. She opened her eyes and let the daylight flood back in, bringing the warm April day right back into focus.

To say she was glad winter was over would be an understatement. She loved the way snow looked when it found itself a home on trees and building tops but nothing made her feel more at peace than the calm slightly warm breeze of springtime. Which was exactly what she needed.

Lately, her mind had been beating itself up trying to figure out what to say to Lucas. She would get up the courage, march right over to him, open her mouth – and nothing would come out. It happened so many times this last month she was convinced she lost all ability to speak to him.

She couldn't figure out what was holding her back. Farkle and Isadora made sure to put in their two cents, offering that maybe she was being prideful or maybe she was still harboring anger towards him for the mistake he made. But deep down Riley had her own inkling of what it could be. Plain and simple? She missed him. Missing him meant she was vulnerable, and the last thing she wanted was to open herself up once more, let him in again just to have her heart shattered into a million little jagged pieces.

She sighs as she flops down onto the grass, squinting up at the sky, watching birds above her fly back and forth without a care in the world. She envied that.

The smallest of the birds spiraled over her before disappearing into a tree. "Show off." She mumbles under her breath.

A husky chuckle breaks her daydream and her eyes dart to the side, trying to see who the person was. Her Uncle Josh stood by the fence, duffle bag thrown over his shoulder with his disheveled hair tucked into his signature beanie.

"Picking fights with the animals, kiddo?" He laughs, joining her on the grass.

Riley smiles and gently nudges him before returning her attention to the sky. "Do you ever wish things were different?"

Josh lets out a deep breath, drumming his slender fingers along his chest. "Yeah, all the time actually."

"Really?" She perks an eyebrow up at him. "Why?"

"Because life can be really hard sometimes." He shrugs, "sometimes it's too much." He glances over at her, taking in her solemn look. "But given the opportunity I wouldn't actually change anything."

Riley playfully rolls her eyes, "You're not going to give me that 'everything happens for a reason' mumbo jumbo, are you?"

"Hear me out." Josh laughs, "You never know how changing things would affect you. Who's to say that horrible experience you went through didn't help you to be the person you're meant to be? What if changing even the tiniest of details completely alters who you are? It's a ripple effect so to speak."

"Yeah...I get that." Riley sits up, pulling her knees to her chest. "I guess I just wish things weren't so complicated."

"Guy troubles?" Josh smirks, sitting up as well. "College has made me wise, Riles. Lay it on me."

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