A new arrival and pair up

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"Oh shizz oh shizz oh shizz oh shizz!!'' Victoria yelled while running to the preschool that was only couple of blocks. why was she running? cause the idiot forgot her brother at school. She had to run past several driving cars, over a gate, out run a doberman, all which were near impossible thanks to her being a bit thicc and while thinking of an excuse to tell her brother why she was late. "Please don't let there be a teacher, please don't let there be a teacher, please don't let there be a teacher." She made it to office and saw her brother....and his teacher. 'Ahhh, dangit.' she thought and smiled as her brother walked up and stood beside her. "Your poor brother was worried that something happened to you, Victoria, I do hope you come early next time." The teacher said with a sickly sweet smile. Victoria's eye twitched a bit as she continued to smile. "Don't worry Miss. B, it won't happen again." Victoria then grabbed her brother by his hand and walked out of the office, her smile dropping as she hung her head. "I really freaking hate your teacher, RJ." She said while looking at her younger brother, he was small for someone who was 9, He had Light hazel eyes that complimented his dark tan skin and had dark brown hair that was shaved on both sides of his head. He looked different then Victoria who was larger and had much lighter skin. "I do too, why do you think we call her Miss. B****?" The young boy responded, only to get a whack in the head by the older sibling. "ow! what was that for!?'' RJ said while rubbing his head only to get a glare from Victoria. ''what?! don't tell me that you don't call her that too.'' Victoria just looked at him before looking forward. ''Fine then, i won't.'' she smirked as Rj just groaned. 

Once they got to the house, Victoria opened up the door only to get hit by the smell of something like sulfur. ''Tori, what's that smell?'' Rj asked while sticking his head in. Victoria scrunched her face in confusion as she walked in and sniffed around before turning her head in the direction of the basement door, smelling that the odor as coming from there, as she neared the door, she could hear some sounds of pained noises, but what would cause those? unless....''Oh no, OG!!!" Victoria yelled before running down the steps that lead into the basement. the smell was stronger once she reached the bottom, it choked at her lungs making Victoria cough and her eyes water. she coughed out while looking around and saw a much BIGGER OG Godzilla on the floor of the basement. he looked as though he was in pain as hot, smelly steam came off of him and out of his mouth, the spikes on his back were dimly glowing, and he made pained whimpering sounds as he laid on his stomach. ''oh my god...what's happening to you...?'' Victoria asked herself she neared OG, making the now larger lizard look at her, his fiery eyes were glowing a bit as he rose his head and made eye contact with the girl. Victoria gulped as she kneels in front of him and reached her hand out to touch him only to pull away as OG growled at her, making her look at him in the eyes. ''OG, no, don't do that, all i wanna do is help. So can you not try to bite my head off and let me?'' She asked as the two engaged in a staring contest, making the young girl feel as though OG was staring at her very being before he let out pained moaned and lowered his head down. ''I'll take that as a yes.'' Victoria mused before she heard a gasp from the direction of the stairs and looked to see her brother with his mouth open, his eyes wide with shock. ''RJ, if you're going to freak out then i suggest you do so while helping me.'' she said before Rj neared the two, mouth still open in shock, and looked over OG. Victoria looked at him before placing her hand under his chin and closing his mouth shut. ''You were gonna catch flys if you left your mouth open.'' RJ glared at her before looking back at OG and asked, ''Whats wrong with him?'' Victoria only shrugged and ran her hand through her hair with a sigh. ''i don't know, RJ, and that's scaring me. he seems to be overheating though and i think being down here right by the boiler isn't helping him,'' she looked over at the large steel tank then back at OG, ''We can try to move him to the pool in hopes it'll cool him down....but it seems impossible with the way he is right now.'' RJ hummed before running upstairs and into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator he scanned up and down before grabbing a container that held some fish then running down stairs where he found his older sibling sitting down with OG laying his head on her lap, Victoria looking a bit red on the face as she looked at RJ and said, ''i feel like a heater is in my face....i don't like it one bit.'' RJ could only snicker, ''At least you'll finally be like yo mama.'' if looks could kill then RJ would be dead ten times over. ''okay, wrong time but i might have an idea with moving the big green heater to the pool.'' it was OGs turn to glare at RJ for that little name. (Damn bro, you're on everyones hate list.) RJ quickly coughed and avoided his gaze before opening the food container, the smell of fish quickly hit the nose of all three and only one of them enjoyed it. ''i don't know if that'll wo-'' Victoria was quickly cut off by OG raising his head and looking at the container with hungry eyes, ''...or maybe it will.'' Victoria mumbled as OG started to get up on his hind legs and follow RJ as he was being lead out of the basement, which he barely managed to fit through the door, and toward the backyard pool. Victoria could only chuckle and follow as she saw RJ throw the fish in the pool with OG jumping in, causing a wave to rise and hit the poor boy much to his displeasure. ''OH COME ON!!" he yelled and Victoria quickly laughed as she joined the small by his side, a smile ever present as she looked at the smaller boy. ''Thanks for the help, lil bro.'' She said and patted his now wet head. ''Well i remember when i was forced to watch those Godzilla movies with you,'' he glared at his sister who just made a derp face,'' that in one movie the army made that big fish pile in the middle of New York to get zillas attention and i just thought to do the same thing.'' he finished and they both looked at a now better OG who was curled up at the bottom of the pool, bubbles coming out of his nose as he was now sleeping. ''Soooooo........are you gonna tell me how you even got him?'' RJ asked to which Victoria nervously chuckled before sighing and told him the events of how she got a package from someone named the master and how there were three versions of Godzilla, she fed them some candy, they went ballistic, spent some time finding only two of them before she had to pick him, ''and thats about it.'' she finished with a sigh as RJ was now sitting down on the outdoor poolside chair, trying to dry himself off with a towel he found. ''So now what? you're just gonna take care of them like pets?'' RJ asked with Victoria shrugging for an answer, ''i guess so, but i'm starting to think that there maybe more to this.'' "Like what? it's not like anyone has any of the other....what are they called again?'' ''Kaiju.'' ''yeah, those. who else would have kaijus besides you?'' ''I don't know, but i have a feeling that there may be more of them.''  Victoria hummed. what if there were people who got kaijus like she did? what would this mean for not only them but for the world, they could use the kaijus for bad stuff depending on who they got or who got them.....''hey, didn't you say that you got three of them?'' ahhhh, shit. Victoria widened her eyes and quickly ran inside the house and up to her room where she found zilla and 14 sniffing at a box that was a tad smaller then the one she got. ''what the hell?'' she said to herself before picking it up, a yellow sticky note was on the top of it saying, 

''To the one who brings peace to the beast, the young and gentle he will be, and is the one who'll receive me.'' 

Victoria could only knit her eyebrows in confusion of what the sticky note was talking about and how the box even got in her room. ''maybe later i'll open it....'' she mumbled before grabbing the box and placing it under her arm, bending down to pick up 14 as zilla hopped on top of the box, and made her way downstairs to join RJ. Once she got to the pool, she saw RJ still in his chair and looking at the sleeping kaiju in the pool, a pout on his dark tan face. Victoria looked at him in worry and sat next to him, gaining his attention and making him look at her, as 14 squawked at him and zilla hopped off of the box and sniffed RJ.  ''They look like scaly puppies.'' RJ mumbled which made his older sibling chuckle. ''Thats what i said when i saw them.'' She looked at RJ who was petting Zilla on the head, a small pout still on his face, and she grew even more worried. ''Are you okay?'' that question caught him off guard as he looked up at her and shrugged, ''i guess....i'm just kinda jealous.'' ''jealous?'' ''yeah, you have three Godzillas and i don't; maybe i shouldn't with my condition.'' that pained Victoria real hard, there was a reason he was much smaller then boys his age and why he was so scrawny, it was his heart. he was born with a hole in his heart in which the doctors had no way of fixing, they said there was nothing that could be done, he was to be frail and fragile for all his life. they said that things like rough playing, hard hits, and too much physical force would cause him to get easily hurt. Victoria could understand why he thought he wouldn't be able to have any of the godzillas, if any of them got too rowdy with him, specifically OG thanks to his now larger size, he would get easily hurt. He was just too....''Gentle.'' Victoria said as she looked at the box under her arm and gave it to RJ, who looked at it before looking at her with confusion. ''whats this?'' he asked and Victoria smiled at him while saying, ''I think you can't have any of the Godzillas because you weren't meant to have them. i was given them for a reason but not you, you were meant to have another kaiju!'' RJ blinked at her before looking at the box and opening it, once he did, he gasped with a smile and reached his arm into the box. ''It might not be three Godzillas,'' RJ started to say as he brought out his arm, ''But she sure is something.'' and showed Mothra, who was the size of a lap dog, clinging to his arm. Victoria's smile only grew as RJ started to stroke Mothras head before she spread her wings and flew off of his arm and landed on his headed, making small squeaking noises. "So this proves what i said, there are more of them.'' Victoria said to herself as Mothra flew away with RJ, 14 and zilla following as OG rose out of the water to see what the commotion was about. "Look who we got, OG.'' Victoria said as she got up and sat down on the edge of the pool, putting her feet in as OG swam up to her. ''Hey, didn't you team up with Mothra a few times?'' she tilted her head at him and small rumble came out of OG  while he looked her before looking over at the rest who were chasing Mothra. ''i'll take that as a yes.'' she smiled before sighing, a single thought was plaguing the girls mind that she hoped would soon be answered. 

'where are the rest of them?' 

A/N: I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its been months since the last chapter, huh? well because of it i have made this chapter extra long for you guys. now, on a more important note, the plot might be going towards a different road then what i originally intended it to be. when i first made this, i wanted it to be a small, stupid, slice of life series for my amusement, but over time i kept thinking to myself 'how could i make this series more better?' and its recently that i have gotten my answer. hopefully the next chapter will come out soon.....hopefully...but please tell me what Kaiju(s) YOU think i should bring into the story and until next time, BYE BYE!!!

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