03; ???

122 11 1

As usual, waking up at 8am. Bath, dress for school, breakfast and walk to school. The most bored things I do in my life.

"Good morning areum, I'll pick up you at 5pm okay? We have a job for you" appa said it while wearing his socks and looking at me with those smile.

I raised my brows. Sighed. "Okay..." I slam the door and walk to school. I put my earphone on and play some music so I wouldnt be bored while walking.

I saw a bookstore nearby

And the most important thing

They have my favourite manga


I run to the bookstore, and yeah


I literally read this while walking and listening to song

"Ow Im glad that they sell this im--"

Suddenly someone grabbed my wrist and we both fell on the roadside

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled while brushing my skirt. Still didnt look up too see who.


I looked up


My eyes is completly big. I raised my brows

"I didnt notice that... I was busy with book" I lowered my voice as the one who saved me was wonho..

"That was dangerous, you should focus on road, if I didnt save you I think you has die now" he said with higher tone, looks like he was worry about me so much.

"That. Was. Harsh but thanks anyway" I bowed and continue walking to school

I couldnt focus in class today, even my teacher ask if I have a problems. The thing is I kept thinking about wonho, he is different.. I can feel it

Appa suppose to pick me up at 5pm but its already 5;30pm.

"appa always cant keep his promise" I kick a stone, playing with my school bag string. I sighed. Its almost 6 though.

"Maybe I'll just walk to home since appa cant keep his promise well" I mumble to myself, as I just started to walk someone approach me

"let me send you home"

I am shocked, it was wonho


He laughed

"Come on , Im not a bad person"

I nodded and smile, but Im really scare inside.

"Here let me help you with the helmet"

He lock up the helmet string and our eyes were connected for awhile.
I admit it, he was kinda.. handsome.

"Okay lets go hahah" I let out my fake laugh, trying to make the eye contact didnt go any futher.

"Thanks.. I can just walk to home since it was nearby, sorry for making you send me home" I have to look up a bit because he is tall.

"No no, its okay. Remeber that I was the one offered you to send you home right" he laughed and pat my head

"You're cute though" and then he left me.

What the hell just happened, did he just said im cute?!

I showered and walk downstair, heat some pizza to eat. While I am eating I heard door sound.

"Sorry areum, I couldnt pick you up. Today was a hectic day, too much work! And your job were cancelled, new cases and-"

And put my finger on appa lips to make him stop talking. Im sick of it.
I crossed my arms and look at appa.

"Its fine, im home now" I said it with calm tone

"You sure? Okay then.."

"But just one request"


"Please wash your socks. It smell like dried fish!!"

He laughed and went upstair.

*kakao ring*

Wonho; goodnight 💜

"What the....." I just seen the message, not even bother to reply

*Kakao ring*

Wonho; are you ignoring me? No goodnight for me?

Damn this guy

___ ; goodnight

I replied and turn my phone off

Its saturday and wanted to go out, its getting hot in this house so I went to the mall to watch horror movie.

I actually cant watch horror movie without someone accompany me but.. since I was bored as hell I just watch it alone.

I payed for the ticket, walk to other counter to buy popcorns and a hotdog because I didnt eat anything since morning. Im glad that there are not so much people since its still early.

Its finally the time to watch, I sit on my place.

As I just sit, someone beside me whispered my name.


I look beside me and .... it was wonho...

"Ohh its fking you again" I mumbled

"What??" Wonho ask me as he cant hear me and I feel relief that he doesnt hear

"I said Im glad to meet you again haha" I laughed, trying to make the situation better. And after he heard me saying that to him, he just smile and started to focus on the movie.

"That movie was awesome" I said it while streching my arms. I've been sitting for a good 2 hours.

"I knowwwww, hey lets go to Mcd? Its on me" he smiled and cling his arms to mine.

I blushed a bit I think...

That was awkward


*exam is comingg
Sorry for the short update though

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