Chapter One

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Cindersplash poked her paw in the water, a little surprised by how cold it was. When a flash of silver rushed by, she quickly flashed her paw in the water, but instead of splashing out a fish, she splashed water all over herself. She let out a hiss of irritation, then heard a laugh. She turned her head to see Quailfoot. "Shut up, Quailfoot.." She said very quietly. He smiled and walked over to her, sitting down. His fur was greenish gray, and Cindersplash loved it. Especially with the darker tabby stripes. His eyes were a deep emerald.

"What's going on the tree lover's side of the forest? You always seem to come to this specific spot and stare into the forest." Quailfoot smirked. "Oh, do I?" Cindersplash asked. "I didn't even really realize it," She paused for a moment, looking at the forest. "It's quiet today, though." She said, answering his question. After a moment of silence, Quailfoot suddenly asked, "Who are you going to mate with this season?" She flashed her attention to him. "Probably no one," She returned her gaze to the general direction of the forest, but looked at the river. "Why?" He was quiet for a moment. "Our clan needs more kits." Though she wasn't looking at him, she knew he was staring at her. "Playing the role of deputy you were always destined to be?" She asked, teasing him. "Well, I-" She cut him off. "Who are you going to mate with, then?" He was silent. She smiled.

"You know, our clan needs more kits." She said, mocking him. "Really mature, Cindersplash." He said, rolling his eyes. "I'm going to head back; are you going to come?" She looked at him, and stood. "No, thanks, I think I'm going to fish for awhile." As he walked away, her ears flicked down.

"He keeps trying to get me to have kits with him." She murmured to herself. "But nobody in the clan would be satisfied with his decision to have kits with me. Kits are kits I guess, but..." She shook her head. "One wrong move, and they'll push me out of the clan." She got up and walked toward the ShadowClan border. As she took another step, there was a sudden snap. "Get off of our territory, RiverClan cat!" Her eyes widened, as she looked around, then looked up. As her eyes met another set that were dark hazel, a vision washed over her.

She was in the river, the only part of her body that was above water was her paw. She was drowning. "How am I drowning? I'm a RiverClan cat.. We're the best swimmers.." Then, as she returned to reality, she let out a horrible, hacking cough.

"Woah, you alright, fish-lover? I was just teasing you, you haven't even stepped over." As he jumped out of the tree, she only stared at him. She was quiet.

"Ahh, aren't you the mute?" She looked at him, then stated clearly. "I'm not a mute." As she spoke, it seemed to startle him. "Why exactly are you so quiet, then?" He asked. "Why exactly was a ShadowClan cat in a tree?" She countered. His slim light brown body that was covered in tabby stripes was almost appealing to Cindersplash, except for the fact he was.. He was a ShadowClan cat.

"Well.. I'm an odd one out!" He said simply, and she tilted her head. "I don't have to tell you anything." She said. "I'm just.. I shouldn't be alive." She said, gaining the toms curiosity.

"Did you escape near death?" He asked. "No," She said simply, then added. "It was my parents, they shouldn't have given birth to me." She looked around. "My father was the leader of ThunderClan, and my mother was a ShadowClan cat. They mated, and I was born. After I was born, my mom took his last life, but died afterwords. I basically grew up with the current ShadowClan's deputy, Quailfoot, he's like a brother to me." The tom looked at her. "What happened to not telling me anything?" She glared at him. "Anyway, I knew a ShadowClan cat killed the ThunderClan leader, but I never knew they had any relationship." He said. "It's a RiverClan secret." She said. After a few moments, she realized she spilled one of the worst secrets about her clan. "Sorry, just pretend I never said anything."

"Why don't you talk more?" He said, ignoring what she said. She tilted her head. "Toms- StarClan, every cat would like you more if you spoke." She shook her head. "I talk too much, or I don't talk at all. Honestly, a lot of my clan mates don't like me," She looked him in the eye. "They tolerate me because I do my part." As she turned to leave, he bit her tail tip. "What's your name, fish-lover?" She looked at him.

"My name is Cindersplash." He smiled at her. "My name is Brairwhisker." She nodded at him, then pulled her tail away, and walked toward camp.

By the time she returned, it was late. Quailfoot, was waiting at the entrance for her. "Where in the name of StarClan have you been? You don't even have any fish!" She blinked at him, and dipped her head. "Sorry." Then she went inside the camp.

As she snuggled into her nest, she began to think about the ShadowClan tom, and the vision she had about her drowning. What did it mean?

//( Ahhhhhhh chap 1 done. Who are you rooting for? Cinder/Quail or Cinder/Brair? LEMME KNOW BELOW)\\

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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