Chapter 6

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Melody's POV

After the incident of being called a bitch made me avoid Ethan the whole week, but the thing he still doesn't know is I was bullied. On friday I don't know for what reason but then I walked up to Ethan and apologized which made him pretty happy.

    "I'm sorry Ethan, but I have my reason for having a defense." I told him.

    "Its okay Melody but you really have to tone down on being a bitch." he told me truthfully.

    "Okay, I'll try my best but I never wanted to be the kind of person I am now." I said.

    "Okay then, well lets go to lunch." He said.

I never thought those words would fix our friendship but it did, and I knew what made him hate me so much. 

After School

Ethan's POV

    "Meet me at your house." I said to her.

    "OK" she replied.

She got into her Porsche while I got into my Lamborghini and we drove to her house.

    "I have a secret I have to tell you Melody." I said to her.

    "OK, spit out the secret." she said to me.

    "The secret is well I've hated you since we moved because I've always loved you but we decided to lose contact and you did nothing about it." I told her.

    "Well I made new friends after you left but I was sad for a long while." She told me.

    "I'm sorry I have to say this to you Ethan but we could never be the same best friends we were 11 years ago cause many things changed that you don't know." she said to me with a sad expression.

    "I know there would be things you couldn't tell me just like I have things I can't tell you." I replied.

After we talked about everything I went home, but she should've  known I still hate her so I wouldn't forgive her yet. If she was naive enough she would actually think we're friends again.

 Unknown Person's POV

She really is so naive just because she got me kicked out of Madelina High School doesn't mean I can't get revenge. She may be the Queen Bee of her fellow Sophmores but she will never be the queen bee of the seniors. 

    "Brit, do we need to help you with your plan on destroying little Miss Gucci handbags or what?" Kim asked.

    "I told you to stop calling me Brit, I have changed my name to Karie so stop calling me Brit." I screamed.

I should start scheming. Hahahahaaha

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