chapter 3

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We drove for another fifteen minutes around the city. I don't know this side of it tho. We stopped at a parking lot in front of one club.

"We're going in to the club?" I asked slowly. I really don't want to go there. I'm not exactly the party girl type. I have been in clubs before but just a few times and it was only for an hour. Besides i see all those girls with tons of make up on, wearing short dresses and high heels and i'm here wearing shorts and a shirt. I can't go there like this. Harry must have noteced my hesitating.

"Don't worry you look sexy in everything" And he winked at me. Why did I ever accepted to come here with him? Oh yea for my phone. And i still haven't asked for it. Just when i was about to open my mouth to speak Harry spoke.

"And you aren't getting your phone now. I'll give it to you when we leave. It's my insurance that you won't leave." Ok. Is he reading my mind or something? I can't believe it! This is just making me angrier.


"Let's go love" He said and walked out of the car just to come around and open my door.

"Don't try and be a gentleman. I still think you're an arse"

"And when was the first time you tough that?" He smiled.

"When i first saw you"

"Funny story. I thought you are in to me"

"You wish"

"I do. Now love give me your hand. I don't want to lose you in the crowd."

We were now in front of the club with all the people looking at me. Probably thinking why am i here with this extremely hot guy wearing this clothes but i don't care. And i must stop thinking this way about Harry because he is no good for me. I look at him and he is doing a meanly hug with one really big and muscular man. Probably the security guy who lets us in the club. Inside is loud and it seems like everybody's drunk. The dance floor is full of sweaty people dancing around to the beat. We walk to one booth. He points for me to seat and i do.

"What would you like to drink?" He looks like he is yelling but i can barley hear him trough the loud music.

"I don't drink" I tell him

"Oh c'mon only one drink"

"Fine but nothing strong"

"You got it love" He smiles and winks at me "And stay here and don't go anywhere while i bring here our drinks" I just nod my head yes and he goes to the bar to get us drinks. Two minutes later a guy is walking over to my table. He has black hair and blue eyes or something. I can't tell from the lights  all shining in different colours. He looked very handsome too.

"What is a beauty like you doing here alone?" He smiled. He looked nice. Not intimidating or something like that.

"Actually I'm waiting for someone" I smiled politely.

"Oh is that so? Well i can keep you company while you wait?" He said but it sounded more like a question to me so i nodded and smiled

"So what's your name?"

"Lucy. And yours?"

"I'm Dan"

"And I'm Harry her boyfriend" Suddenly someone stood in front of our booth. Obviously it was Harry. And when did he got here? And why is he saying that he is my boyfriend?

"Oh..You had a boyfriend, sorry i didn-" Dan started explaining but i cut him off.

"He isn't my boyfriend" I glared at Harry.

"Yes I am" He said and stood in front of Dan pushing me lightly behind him "and if you ever talk with her i am going to break all of your bones"

"Sorry" Dan said and disappeared in the club.

Harry slowly turned around and faced me.

"What the fuck was that?" He growled

"And what was that with you being my boyfriend?"What is wrong with him?

"I don't want to see you with another guy when you are with me. And do you know how fucked up he is?"

"Excuse me but you don't own me. And he was nice and polite unlike others"

"You know he always hangs around here and acts all nice and stuff only to get girls and fuck them later"

"So? It's not like am one of them. I only met him"

"That's not the point here." He is very angry and he is kind of scaring me. I don't know what he is capable of and the way his eyes are darker and his cheeks get slightly red is intimidating.

"Whatever " I give up. I don't know what is up with him.

"I think we could use this drinks now"

"Ok" I take a sip from my drink and i can fell the way it burns my throat.

"What is this? It's burning me"

"Nothing too strong love. Only vodka"

After my first drink Harry managed to convince me to get one more drink. And of course i am not accustomed to drinks so obviously i was getting drunk enough to go on the dance floor and dance with him. And then i herd it was playing Feelin' Myself by, Miley Cyrus, French Montana and Wiz Khalifa.

"Oh my god! It's my song!" I yelled over the music and let myself go dancing to the music. I was swaying my hips to the music when he turned me around put his hands on my hips and pressed my behind to his front I could feel his hardening member but my drunken state didn't mind. Then he kissed my neck slowly going toward my jaw and them my lips. He turned me around and we started kissing.

"Let's go to my place he said in to my ear." I don't know i can't control my drunk self and nodded yes.

We walked out of the club and in to his car. I didn't pay much attention to the road but after a few minutes maybe more we walked out of the cat and in to a building up with the elevator and in to one apartment. It was big and clean so not Harry. We were still kissing in what I suppose it was his bedroom when he slowly backed away.

"I'll go get something way here. Make yourself comfortable" He smiled and winked at me.


The sun peeking out of the curtains woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes to realize that i'm not in my room. My head was pounding and hurting really bad. I then realize that I'm wearing someone's t shirt. Where am I? I try to sit up but someones hand around my waist doesn't let me. I turn around and see Harry laying Without shirt next to me. What happened last night?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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