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I never thought that i will meet the love of my life through internet.


Angela's pov

Every human who i talked to is always busy with their social life. Not social life in literal but social life in Internet.

I don't understand why are they addicted in FaceBook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. Its just a app, a useless app. They always tell me "people can't live without those apps". What am i? An alien?

"Angela! Pay attention!" My teacher in math yelled. My classmates look at me in a weird way. I just nodded then rolled my eyes at my classmates.

Its already our last subject and its friday so hooray! Ill just watch netflix until my eyes is tired af. The bell ring giving as an idea that we are already dismissed. I quickly grabbed my things then exited the room full of numbers. I went to the parking lot where my friends are.

Not that far, i already saw them. Nikki leaning in my car looking at her phone. Jane and Nash flirting besides Nikki.

"Hey guys!" I said then they all looked at me then waved. I clicked the ope button in my key car then it made a noise. My friends quickly entered the car then when i got to my car i entered. As usual im their driver.

"So how's life?" I asked them.

"I reached 1000 followers in Twitter like the f! Its unbelievable!" Nikki yelled making me flinched. Oh my god. What will happen if you reached a thousand of followers? Its just the amount of people who's bored so they followed you.

The rest of the ride is full of internet stories. I happily sigh as i reach my house. I already dropped the three on their own house. I jumped out of my car then entered my house.

I already expect that my parents isnt here so i went upstairs, in my room then locked myself. I remember, we dont have homework so i quickly turned on my flat screen then watched The walking dead.

After an hour of watching, i decided to check my Facebook so i pulled out my laptop then opened it. I clicked Google Chrome then searched FaceBook. I didnt logout the last time i opened it which is last week so im already signed in.

While looking at my newsfeed a message popped out. I furrowed my eyebrows while reading his name and message.

Kyle Johnson

Hi :)


How's your day?

Ok..... why did you chat me?

Saw your pic and thought that you are a beautiful girl

Are you a creepy old man?

I'm offended miss angela.

Just asking.


He just seen me?! Did i really offend him?

Did i really offend you?


I'm sorry ok. Im just making sure.

Apology from miss beautiful is accepted.

Where you from?



England. You're so far

No. You're so far.

We're both far so stop chatting me



Hey! Come back! Talk

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