Chap 3 : Humiliation

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Aurora woke up the next day with a sigh ready to face her day. Just as she thought she has ran out of her misery and into her mate's arms, he completely rejects and neglects her. After cleaning up and changing into her maid attire, she rummaged through her belongings, which had been delivered last night, looking for a hair tie.

She pulled up her hair into a high ponytail and slid her fingers through her bangs, organizing it.

She soon left her room, checking her schedule as she made her way downstairs. Unknown to her, she collided into a hard body, expectedly pushing both of them, but an impact never came.

Zeus had one hand gripped on the railings and one wrapped around Aurora's waist, sending tingles all over her body.

Realization dawned on Aurora that she had clashed onto the King. Her face falls as she senses the angry breathing of the Alpha, "If it wasn't for my wolf stopping me, you'll be dead meat by now for your carelessness." He growled, "Next time you skip so inattentively around the castle and trip,  I will not bother lifting a bone for you."

He let her go and leaves cursing under his breath. Aurora had thanked her lord for saving her from being ripped apart by Zeus but couldn't help thinking about the tingles that she felt, the ones that she read in books.

Belittle to her knowledge, Zeus was cursing at having felt pleasure at the interaction of his tiny mate. Though in denial, he was very much drawn to her as much as any other sane male, and even much more. But he didn't like it. Not even a bit.

"Aurora!" Someone called as she was swept the dirt around the garden. She saw one of the twins approaching, not being able to identify who as they were a spitting image. "Hey," he breathed heavily, "Me and Elliot are doing our daily routine of exercise, wanna join?" He winked.

"I have work to do, Elijah. And I do not think the King would be so pleased if I abandoned it." She replied.

Elijah groaned at her reply and pouted, "That man is a party pooper!" Aurora bit back her laugh but it was quickly wiped off when she noticed Zeus behind him.

"I mean he is grumpy all the damn time! But I can't see why he has to make others grumpy too! He needs a smack on his arse! A real go---" he was cut off by Aurora clamping his mouth shut and turning him to meet the King's indeed very hard gaze.

Elijah began choking and clasping his heart with one hand and the other was slapping his knees. Aurora was about to place her tiny hands on his back for support and comfort but quickly pulled back once she heard a very annoyed growl, "Mr. Alpha, Sir, Mada-- I mean your Majesty, what a very good day to grace your presence upon us!" Declared a choking Elijah, with a constipated smile. "My, my now is my presence graceful? I did not want to grump your happiness whatsoever, Elijah."

"Alpha it hadn't been you whom I joked about! I did not even speak up your nam--"

"Cut the crap, Elijah, it isn't a first. Smacking my arse? I think not Elijah, but it would be a shame to rip out the head of one of my best warriors." He declaimed, "Go on to the chambers, and you will not leave it until you have gotten 50 lashes on your arse, I've already contacted Paul, he's waiting."

Elijah gulped in humiliation and Aurora stared at him pitifully, "Ready to laugh so boisterously at his disrespectful insults towards me, ay Miss Aurora?" He remarked darkly, "Why don't you join him, so you could both laugh together with red arses."

"W-what?" She stuttered, as he approached her and grabbed her harshly by the jaw, "This is the last fucking warning, Aurora. Do not tempt me any further. You already went against one of my rules and openly flirted with that mutt.

At least have the decency in front of my wolf." Letting go of her aching jaw, he stormed angrily into the castle.

Aurora clutched her broom and closed her eyes at the feeling of her heart tearing apart because of him. 'It's okay' she told herself 'it's alright. Nothing bad lasts' she reminded herself, walking into the castle.

Aurora was situated at the dining room arranging the plates around and utensils. The King's pack were holding a meeting and were soon going to attend dinner. Heavy footsteps and loud chit chatters were heard approaching as they settled all along the dining table, with the Alpha and his Beta, Leo, following a few moments later.

Servants and maids rushed around placing plates of packed goodies, with Aurora serving their drinks. As Zeus's turn came, she hesitantly began pouring until he interrupts, "I do not like orange, which you should've known." Aurora's heart fell at this newly obtained information as she did not hear it from Lisa, "Apologies, Alpha. I had no knowledge of this information, but I'll be on my wa--"

"What an excuse of a failure," he muttered. Aurora clenched her finger which did not go unnoticed by neither Leo nor Zeus. "Do you have any problems with my words and desires, Aurora?"

"Not learning yet does not mean failure." She whispered to herself but it had not went unheard as everyone stopped and the room fell into silence.

Zeus chuckled darkly, his devilish eyes bore into her glassy hazel ones, "But ignorance is failure, dear Aurora. And you are definitely ignorant, speaking up to your King in such a manner. Any death wishes?"

Aurora shook her head not wanted to push this situation any further and murmured an apology, "I do not want to see a failure and an ill-mannered maid serving me ever again. Is that understood?"

She faintly nodded in response, "Now scurry off." Aurora ran off towards the kitchen but not before hearing him mumble a 'what a pest' making a sense of enmity surge through her veins.
Thank you for everyone who voted and for reading, I truly appreciate it.
Lots of love,
Ps. This Cast list is from my previous story, do NOT refer to them.

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