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Damn these common folks. If I wanted to, i'd burn them alive. Scoffed  the rosy haired man who was just kicked out of a restaurant due to his threats on the workers.

He wasn't from this place. No. Maybe not even from this universe.

Black alley up ahead. Just what he likes, he chuckled deaply as he walked in with his body vanishing into pure darkness.

"Oi, Zeref, when will you learn that spying me won't get you anywhere" The boy stopped in his place, hands in his pocket, a body gracefully landed on the floor from its hiding spot.

"Natsu!no fair! How do you keep catching me!" Whined the black haired man as he tried trowing himself at his little brother, which soon got a face full of dirty cement.

"Tch, that's because you suck at everything. God, this is why father didn't give you the crown and decided to hand it straight to me" natsu said as he pinch the bridge of his nose in annoyance as the black haired brother sobed in the middle of the alley way.

"Nu-uh father *hiccup* said that I shouldn't get the crown because *hiccup* I'm doltish" Zeref says as he stands up to face his little mature brother.

"....Do have any idea what doltish means.." Natsu asked lowly with a think Mark in his head.

"Nope, but it must mean that I must marry a lady and rule another kingdom" he proudly said with confidence.

"Idiot! Doltish means stupid!" Natsu yelled, smacking his brother in the head for....being him. Stupid.

"Owww! Stop hitting me little brother"

"Well it seems like in the big brother here!"

The smell of other people started to alarm Natsu, making him cut the little argument with his brother.

"Who goes there" the rosy haired man says in a salty tone, which makes the group of people appear.

Three girls, one man and one exceed come out from the shadows and start to attack the brothers with full force "Heaven's wheel!" A red head with a angel/armored requip summonds a massive amount of swords out of thin air.

Natsu didn't move from his place and took on the swords, but soon melted the swords with his fire magic that's hot like lava.

"I believe I asked you guys a question" he only said as he takes a step forward.

"Stay away! Sky dragon roar!" The wind attack didn't do any effect,just simply comed Natsu's  hair like a blowdrier.

"Damit! I hate it when someone doesn't answer my question! Who are you people!" Soon Natsu attack with his fire dragon roar,which then is stopped by an ice shield.

"We are apart of fairy tail, were here to take you down" the spicy black hair man then goes for another attack "ice make hammer" he yells as a icy hammer comes down towards Natsu's body, for which he punches it with his bare hand, crumbling it into little pieces.

This amazes the ice wizard, but at the same time makes him angry.

"Open gate of the lion!loke!"

From behind a man dressed well goes for a punch on natsu, which is stopped by the same bare hand of his, Loke then is flipped to the front of Natsu on the ground as he is trown back to the group.

In the corner of Natsu's eye, he was kicked where the sun doesn't shine by a blonde girl wearing a dress.

"Son of a b*tch,You witch" growled the fire mage as he hold his part and recovers in seconds.

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