Chapter 2 - She decide to get to know about Luciano

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Hey guys guess who is back with a new chapter

This girl :).

So I'm just gonna start the chapter already.
Quick note the house isn't so modern so bathroom are not in there rooms.
Not edited

Estelle POV

I woke up to find no Luciano not that I cared anyways. I made my way to my bedroom taking out some clothes and setting them on my bed. I closed the door so Luciano couldn't come inside with his creepster ways and made my way to the bathroom with a robe in my hand.

You probably wondering how I got so cosey with two people I don't really know but I just an out going person who just deals with people very good and two I'm weird. Cara and I instantly became friends when she said she liked books and Luciano and I became uhm friends I guess too. It's not my fault that I'm who am but one thing I proud of begin a person who makes friends easily.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I made my way to room and I opened the door and made sure I closed it back. I dropped the towel and began to put on my clothes .After I finished putting on my clothes I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

To my demise Luciano was  sitting down drinking coffee leisurely while reading the newspaper. I decided that I wasn't going to rile him up not yet a girl had to take breaks sometimes. I took a seat next him ,he was so into the papers that he didn't see me.

'Good morning,' I said waiting for him to answer back but he didn't. So I the trouble maker I am leaned closer and started to push my face in front of the newspaper .'Move your head Estelle,' he said he sounded irritated 'Good morning to you too Luciano,' I said moving my head away ,I looked up to him . He was now reading his paper back so I pinched him on the arm , he looked straight in my face 'What?' he asked clearly annoyed ' I said good morning so I waiting for you to say the same thing' I raised a brow at him .

' Morning to you Estelle,' he finally said.

' Yeah yeah whatever so were is Cara,'I question him .

' She is out to visit her family and she won't be back till tomorrow,'  he said

' So I stuck with you for the entire day ,' hmm that seems like fun, I started to laugh and  he looked at me weirdly 'Well I'm gonna make myself some breakfast,' he said my ears raised at that ' Make some for me  too,' I said causing him to sigh ' At this moment I wish I couldn't cook ,' he muttered but I heard him

When he had given me breakfast and took a bite out of it I went straight to cloud nine  .Can everyone in this house can cook much better than me I am so useless. ' This is good,' I said he lightly brushed me off.

After I was finish eating I decided to work on my book. I had now so far almost finish the second chapter "Yeppe me"  . It was now one o' clock and decided to take a break from my worries just kidding. So what could  I do know hmmm let's see, Luciano is here so I could go were he is alright that seems like a good idea .I got up out of my chair and I pause for some seconds 'but were could he be now  ,well time to explore !' .

Thirty minutes had pass I had search  most part of the mansion and now I finally found him .I pushed open the door and walked straight up to him , he was currently sitting around mahogany desk looking at some papers he hadn't notice me yet .I slapped my hand on the desk ,he automatically looked up at me 'What is your problem,' he said as he glared daggers at me ,I for one smiled down sweetly at him 'I'm bored so I was thinking that you would do something for me ,' I said he raised a brow at me 'That would be?'he asked .

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