Chapter 19

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Shadedpaw flattened her ears as she saw Goldenlight stalk past the medicine cats' den. She had heard about what the patrol had discovered earlier. She knew who it was. She just hoped they wouldn't discover that it was Beetlepaw, because of all the tension that circled around him. She just didn't know why...

Suddenly her eyes widened. What if they had scented her there too? What would they think of her if they though she trusted a FireClan medicine cat rather than her own Clan's, not to mention the fact that he is an apprentice and she's not supposed to be walking, much less sneaking around at night! She nervously placed her head on her paws, tail-tip twitching uneasily.

"It's okay!" A voice squeaked behind her.

Shadedpaw jerked her head around to find Morningkit, sneaking up on her yet again, her plump kit-face bright and optimistic as ever. "That cat they smelled won't hurt us! I'll protect you if it even thinks it can come close to here! And Tornshadow would be able to make you better before that anyways!" The ginger and white kitten squeaked, puffing out her downy chest proudly.

"Morningkit, please..." Tornshadow's voice wafted towards the ill apprentice. He stalked up to the ginger-and-white kitten. "Why don't you go play?"

  "By myself?" Morningkit grumbled, but flicked her tiny ears, snatched up a moss ball, and ambled away.

  "Shadedpaw, take this." Tornshadow mewed, dropping a couple poppy seeds at her paws.

"Thanks, Tornshadow." Shadedpaw sighed, lapping up the seeds half-heartedly before resting her head on her dainty paws and finally drifting into an agitated and forced slumber.


Silverpaw could sense her sister's unease as she streaked past the medicine cats' den after Goldenlight and Bearface. She sighed sympathetically. Shadedpaw must be nervous, with this strange cat on our territory. She thought, pausing for a moment to watch the sleeping marbled tabby cat. And worry won't help her in her recovery.

"Silverpaw!" Bearface snapped. "Come on! We can't stay this long!"

"Okay, okay!" Silverpaw cast one last look at her sister, then scurried away towards the powerful brown tom and her deputy.

The cats stalked out of the camp and into the territory. Goldenlight flicked her tail towards the area where they had first scented the strange cat.

"Come this way." The golden-furred she cat mewed, green eyes glistening. "Maybe we can hunt after we look at this."

Bearface nodded, swinging his wide head in the direction his deputy was pointing. "Okay, Goldenlight. Silverpaw, keep your ears open for any noise."

"Of course." Silverpaw muttered, swiveling her large, white-tipped ears around her as she trotted across the territory.

As she neared the area, Silverpaw sniffed the air warily. A mixture of scents flooded her senses. She could smell something like... dirt, plants, wood, something salty, and something extremely bitter, but it was getting staler. She wrinkled her nose in disgust. There was no distinct Clan scent, though. And she had no idea where all those scents could come from.

"It's no use." Goldenlight sighed, looking rather disgusted as well. "Bearface and Silverpaw, you two can go and hunt. I'll search some more." She nodded tiredly at the other two cats, and headed away behind a bush.

"Well," Bearface meowed, glancing away from the glade into the undergrowth, ears alert for the scuttling of prey. "Let's see what Mossysplash has taught you."

He sat quietly as the silver and white apprentice eagerly positioned herself in the hunting stance and swiftly slinked forwards, before leaping into a bush and landing on the wing of a crow. It let out a squawk of surprise and began to beat its wings, but Silverpaw managed to swiftly bite its neck, and it stopped flapping. She jumped back out with the bird in her jaws, a bit embarrassed by her clumsiness, but hoping that the shaggy brown tom had not noticed.

Bearface was laughing. "It could be a bit neater, but at least you caught it. I'll go try somewhere else, and then we'll go back to the camp."

"O-okay." Silverpaw said, lowering her head as she buried her catch, before padding off again to attempt to hunt more.

Well, that's all I could think of to get over my Writer's block... but after this chapter, I have a plan! I thought of it a few nights ago, so... I dunno, but it will exist!!! Okie! Have an awesome day or night or whatever! Bye!!!

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