The Meet Up

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Little Emo Boiiiii: Are you ready for today you depressed little sour patch kid?

Internet Famous Dallon Weekes: Yes! And I hope you know that I'm not "little". You don't know me! I'm 6"4 you toaster! FITE ME M8!

Little Emo Boiiiiii: Well I'm sorry! How am I supposed to know when someone is a giraffe through a  text message!? AND I WILL!

Internet Famous Dallon Weekes: I'm kidding you grape! But I really am 6"4. I'm honestly really excited for today. EXCITED TO FIGHT! I'm kidding I'm fragile don't hurt me!

Little Emo Boiiiii: LETS GOOOOOO! Just kidding I couldn't never hurt a fragile glass of water like you and me too! It'll be fun! I've actually been watching your vines for a while now and I've been wanting to talk to you but I'm a very outgoing person and I was terrified you wouldn't like me.

Internet Famous Dallon Weekes: Well I wanted to talk to you too but I'm a shy, awkward lamppost who doesn't know how to communicate.


Dallon waited nervously in the food court of the mall. He would constantly reread every message to help pass the time but it wasn't working. He was waiting for almost 30 minutes before he gave up hope. He scanned every inch of the food court until BOOM! There Brendon was. Standing there in all his glory. Dallon stood up almost instantly. His and Brendon's eyes locked together as the sped walked towards each other. When the finally met Brendon hugged the taller boy tightly. At this moment Dallon was trying to conceal a small blush forming in his cheeks.

"So what's up Internet Famous Dallon Weekes?" Brendon said jokingly as they walked past the the walls lined with stores.

Dallon rolled his eyes a little bit but laughed.

"Still calling me Internet Famous Dallon Weekes I see!" Dallon said jokingly, nudging Brendon's shoulder.

Brendon laughed. "Well why wouldn't I?! I mean you are Internet Famous Dallon Weekes!";)

"So what took you so long?" Dallon asked after a slight pause in their conversation.

"Just some traffic and I stopped for coffee." Brendon explained.

"It's 9 I mean 3 in the afternoon though. Why'd you need coffee?" Dallon asked again.

"Well, I didn't sleep very well last night. All the excitement, you know?" Brendon said looking down at his feet.

Dallon was speechless. No one was ever really excited to meet up with him. Yeah him and his friends would hang out sometimes but they never were so excited that they couldn't sleep.
They didn't talk much after that but walked around a little more. Everything was going great. It was everything Dallon had dreamed of even though they didn't talk a lot. Brendon's presence just made him happy.

"Hold his hand" a voice whispered in Dallon's head. He walked a tiny bit behind Brendon, trying to stall and decide whether he wanted to follow the voice's instructions or keep things the way they were. He took one long stride to catch up with Brendon. He looked down at Brendon right hand and looked forward again. He moved his left hand closer to Brendon's right hand until they were touching a little bit. Brendon looked up at the taller boy's face and gave and approving smile. Dallon and Brendon's hands locked together. Both boys were smiling like crazy as they walked around the mall. They didn't care what kind of looks they got, everything was perfect at that moment and everything else disappeared around them.

Don't know what this is but hope you liked it. Sorry these are really short too but I'm trying to finish this up! ❤️

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