My love from the star

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Chapter 2

"What happened?" she said turning around to see where she was. Layers of books everywhere. She didn't see anything so magnificent before. She opened the door to take a closer look of the mansion. She walked down the stairs to where the man was. "hello? is anyone there?" she could hear her self echo in the room..

Before she reached to the next step, the man had appeared in front of her. "Whoa!" she screamed. Touching his face with fear, she said, "who are you and how did you do that?" she looked deep into his blue eyes, it was beautiful. she hasn't seen anyone's eyes sparkle like that.

"Am Brandon, you must be skylar" he said. That same voice was the voice that soothed her heart that day. "are you some kind of stalker, or some kind of magician that practice witchcraft? cause if you are I have a glass in my hand and am not afraid to use it.

" She looked at her hand to were the broken glass was and suddenly it disappeared. "You mean this one?" Brandon said waving the glass in front of her face. she started to remember everything that happened that day. "James? James!! are you here? come out please, i'll play hide and seek with you later just let me see your face."

Gasping for air she started taking apart sofas, throwing down books and breaking vases. Brandon appeared in front of her again and held her shoulders as tight as he could. she felt that warmth again but it wasn't enough to calm her down. "Skylar am sorry" he said. "Sorry for what? just let me see James, you don't have to be sorry."

"Am sorry but his dead." She gave him a heavy slap on his cheek. "shut up!!" she screamed, "what do you know? he's here! I know it. he's not gone!" She cried unto him as he rocked her back and forth. she felt peace, she felt like only she exist in the world, she felt home.

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